Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1936, p. 10

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exposurebybrir airter thom 'you ill v. For. miniature camera usens, we have a ipecll ltafine. Grain Dev.lopin procma that lu the finest, done canywher. JnOwv Abner Coe Services ... theyr worthwhlle. Aimer Cée ?Comp)ay Wb.h 108Nut v.,10RuiJackbos v&, leS S < HICAGO àIoMËW .. .. 1045 houx JLag i st 21,P%sM08E8 ANA Make Your Reservation Now!. At This l3eautiful Vacation Spot, the~ ~fie ~ ote ~~o eii the ve...eI overlookinig the swinmmers. Be fort! any diving was permitted J o h i) and There is no season like Suinuer. 'Neville, one of the older scouts over ail' sounded ,wiminer, expert au Ask any Sea Scout for conifirmationt of this observation and you wiii 1 to make certain cnough depthi existed shortiy. know. why. they are where for diving. they ,most'liké to be--on the water. jAfter. the swining party wvas orThe iast few weeks, have been full ganizeà the word was given to do1911 bovs. Fir!stý Of water events, for the Boat bathing trunks and jumpi:in. If there there ,waàs the week, of Star is anything -faster thani a boy getting racing. For that wee k'a inmbeýrof out of Street ciothes and into' swini-' Stars from Jackson Park Harbor ning, togs science has tiot yet fouriii were towed Up to Wilmetté I1w the it. A wave of .Merlin's wand couid cruiser "Chanc." In Ordler to fa cili- mot have donc a more suddeu or comltate handiing this tow a group of, sea plete job) of Iightning change. scouts froni Wiimette "ent to JackWben the boyýs had- splashed around son Park on -the cruiser. Their. job for 'a while Skipper Huggins called was to ride the sali boats white uÛder a life, savinig drili. After thtis the' tow. Ben -Richards, Ed Goeiz and boyS were recalled to the vessel, the John, Sauvage, were amnong thôse auchor ivas weighed ahd the cruiser boys; partaking. in this job.. Unfor- si d along the shimmering path mnade tunately, heavy weather forced the on the water by the newly riseû fuîll tow into M'ontrose Yacht Harbor ujoon. Far out ou the horizon the for. the, night. The. oseranI lilgits of the Nlilwau.kee 6teamner saw pIenty of action on the way up tm-inkled faiiariy. The soft hiss ol to that pqiflt. the stemi parting the lighit grouind swel, and the steacly throlb of the HAPPY DAYS .. . powverf ut engine were the ont%- sound>. Monday evening August 3. Skipper hjeard. Carefuiiy the sea scout cruiser Huggins took the scouts for a :wi picked its way through the aimost becruise. After the ilsual preiiminary calmed sai boats at the mouth of the poiicing wvas dloue the cruiser put harbor. The skipper gave the coinout of the harbor and was steercd niand for slow spced and the cruiser north aiong the shore. Then. Mien slid silentiy to its berth. Quickly about off Vista, thc wheel wvas put she wvas noored for the night and a over and a course %vas steered for r ,8r Golf Course -Tenni s-Badminton -Private Bathing, Beah-Shutffleboard-Croquet -Hiking Trails -- of water.ý ail tht. scouts were in i «ourA a iainouinn - F.P. I. Table Tennis - Horseshoe Pitching- Ridingý Auto Accident Resuits Stephen Shimonek Gets Prize by Goodrich Co.! in Wrecked Automobiles The Stephen Shimionek, Inc., service station, iocated at Lake avenue and Main street ini Wilmette, tire. dealer for T'he B. F. Goodricli Company, lias won one of the prizes iin a national sales contest, the company Stales-ýTrap and Skeet Shootin. A Harmonious Place to Rest and Study An automobile accident at Lake avenue anid Iibbard road rIhursda3 of last week resulted in a brokei. wrist for Miss Gergiana Grignon. 855 Sheridan i-oad, and. two b)adiy wrecked cars. Miss Grignon, driv- Y rite for Descriptive Booliet BJENJAMIN F. SWENSON,'Manager ent two weeks., Ottawa iBeach, whe Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Klapperich, 412 Central avenue, have as visitor, their son-in-iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jackson of Springfield,,

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