MAKE IT STIC K! The zeal cf the Wininetka Village: board in keeping- after the proper authorities uftil a -raid on beer-selling places in Nô Man's Land was brought about, is worthy of 'note-and of emulatic>n.. That bit o>f,.unincorporated land does flot border oivWifnetka, as it doDes Mpon Kenilworth -and Wilmette, end yet that village took the initiativ i efforts to control the sale of beer'by *briging pressure to, bear upon the Illinois Liquor Control commission, the County board and the state's attorney's office.. Without doutbt their p ersistence was an annoyance to at -least some of the 1 higlier ups." Gaining a point *lhen the Liquor, Control commission ordered wholesale dealers to cease sales to retailers i the district (whicb was productiv of -no tesultsuinabatiag th.einuisan~ce), the matter was pressed further, ending in the raid of Iast week. -Not until the prosecutions are completed will it be known how effective the raid will be in permanently ending a situation that lias become unbearable i this highly developed residential north shore section. In its determination to remove the blight the officiais of Winnetka should lhave the active cooperation- of the authorities of other New Trier villages. It is 'not an exclusive Winnetka whether any governmnent could. do1 the job for 5,000»00 farmers and 30,000,000 consuming famIn 1932. Franklin D. Roosevelt disguised himself, ilies better than the peop le have been able to doý as a Democrat and -won the pïesidency. In 1936 it themiselves. he is attempting to repeat by disguising himfself as a beaver.. Accompanying a beautifully engraved invitation fromthe Republican National committee to, attend If the_ýauthor ities of north shore villages %vere the 'Knox notification ceremonies at Chicago Stadeliberately attemipting, to fasten the undescripdium. last Thursday, we: tive and uneuphon ious, appellation, "Route 55," promptly returned the card upon -thie through ,highway paralleling, the. rail- enclosed for our convenience roads from Evanston to'Glencoe.. the' could not be more sure of accomplishing it than by the dil-ý iii stating thenumber oftickets desired. By return mail atory tactics now.,being employed ii the selectioin (they're on their toes at naof a unIfied name. Business- houses line this. tional, headquar ters) we îre,highway in every village, and these interests ceived the tickets, wbich entishould make known t'O their Village boards -or tled -us to remain on the outcity councils that "Route 55" is flot an attractive side at the east end of the or desirable nanie for it, The state highway has no interest ini this purely ings via loud speaker.« This, local question. It gives to every state road a route too, after aIl the walloping we number, and determination of a distinctive titie is have given theNe Deal in the past three years. A survey convincing u 's that up to local communities. Ini this case, ho-wever, the department lias expressed its preference for there is almost limitless space outside the east end of the Stadium, we decided to consult only our -Green -Bay Road" as a substitute for Railroad own pleasure as to what part of it we would ocavenue in Evanston, Main street in WNiltùette, cupy, which we proceeded to do. That it was far. Center street in. Winnetka. Linden avenue in far away from the Stadium was onily a coincidence. H1-ubbard Woods and Glencoe road ini Glencoe. Kenilworth, with commendable viFion. saiv the "ROUTE 559 ltos' te be continuously alert for indications of a sreaoftheunlawful practices that bave inarked No Man's Land, is not pleasant. Nor is it an agreeable duty te have te press charges before officiais and bodies seemingly unsympathetic te any concerted action to enforce lawv. But for the sake of the reputation of the north shore,. te preserve the high moral tone of the community, to protect the investm~ent of millions of dollars in fine homes and, business blocks, it must be done. heart of the north shore. section shall be known as "Route 55." But that is exactly what will happen unless steps are taken to give it a more attractive and appealinig titie. There has been sufficient delay. The time bas corne for action. THE DoG QUARANTINE. Since the dog quarantine was clamDed on Cook At the risk of drawing shafts of ridicule from a critie who charges that a niere reference to foreign 'dispatches. is an attempt to pose as a "world commentator," w'e state that news from Europe is, becoming more and more alarming, and that events seeni to be leading to another war. 0f course, a real commentator would profess to know aIl about it. We admit that there are. a few thiîngs about the situation that we do not understand. LiJLwei. . %vay to cmi- "Join the Voluiiteers."l il cows wert Asposed.ot,* Tait.PHANTOM REP0RtTÉIL.