*given training in up-to-daie nietnods of trackitig down criminals. .The course which is the first (of its kind ever offered in ihis, country. con<ý sists of a. seres of- letures and demon-* strations hy staff members of the uiver-, it v.S scientific crime detection labora-> to ry and hy members, of the law school Science bas nmade such 'rapid advances in. the; development of pew crime detecting devicésjas well.as improving thos alead inusethat.the legal status of sucb instuvm'ents bas beenr vitallh affecçted. Emphasis -will be placed upon this phase of crîminal detection. The polygrap,~ popplarly termed the. àLidtector," is being demonstrated' hy Prof. [,eonarde Keeler, whio bas used it in .solving, numerous crimes "Finger-prints in .C rial Investigaton", is the subject of a lecture by ýT. P.J ;ullivan, stuperntendant of the' Illincisý * State Bureau of Criminal Idetiifiatiosi 311(1 Investigation. Charles M. Wilson, a member of thé scientific crime detection staff, is dis*cussing -Firearms Identification." M E. O'Neill, another member of the staff speaks on "Microanalysis and PersonaI Identification." RETURNS FROM NORTH ovation. And no. wonder! Read again the amazing, sensationaI features offered by' Wilson's NEW Tender Macle Ham: Un. heard-of tenderness! The end of cooking to i Mallinckrodg Hig Muno was gradi nois Pharmowyc4 -hUU, (and< from lte