An item in last week's issue stated vtLua% - -.... won third place ii incorrectly that Mr. and Mrs. Charles prano, recently of the Chicagroup shore north the avenue C. Prescott of .1019 Linden -festival. Miss. Nelsý planhed to :leave the early. part of goland Music violiist, wl 1 W%%inrîetka, of this .week for Cleveland and Con- Anderson group of Hungarian selections. neautville, Pa., for a» fort night's va- give a wiiI r. resottandbisThe accompamist for the group as caton.It o hls*twoo r.Hrie b daugbter. Miss Helen, who took.the %Vinnetka. ierror. i]FEÊ regrets its trip. WLM~ Vr.8AIwolys Suv e t RIAFRUITZCO.I tre Mai t N e Wand N d . .ahi N--kain e BUXS alTO-Blam leNO S ]ALAND-NN Sherian Bd 'ue Ira C. Darling, .2561 IMr. and' Mrs. avenue, Ken.ilwortb, are iKenilworth aîn next Tuesday for a teip to they will sali Canada after which front Quebec on thir August , Empress of Britain. for a two mnonths', stay in England. ~4 ew of he baeild A»interio n.q tbe'rected at Neu, TrierHh staff photo .caidof by th ise1tblic. Works admiis.tration,. school, li4th the pool, threc urnes the séeof tite prese>zt tthich il housethse new sim» shallow iwtatoriuepin. Thse photo above is shozen as t1e observer stands at the expected .s Ik eu4deeper the ai oor 4the iuno end orf the poolloedokin tisat the pool wiil be ready shortly alter the beginning of thle fall semnester. At Your A& P MARKET Frying Chickems PANCY No. i MILK rID BIýEF SALýE INVITES YOU TO ~lb. AragmnImrove Seating Ané 15c' FAIR* building were aarnounced this week by Athletic: Director K. L. Wilson» Cu i struction work will start at once and wilI be completed in time for th e first game in Deceniber. Director Wilson also announced that IDetails of the new plan, wbich consist of changing the playing floor f romi a lengthwisè to crosswise position of the Ec"emycos lb. a number of new features would be -in- SUNDAT. AUGUS? I23Bd Btb ri ai-w Sutmn C.nmmf-ot.rov.IebSuOM--G. mt squ. qffl A" t*nm iuu I Colins,, daughters'of Mr. anud Mrs. The nuw.0 Misses Betty and Frances F. B. Collins, 2033 Cbestnut, avenue, spent last weék at Turner Camup near