tVienry .. isranUL tL¶Atorney toi, -rurj labor and achievenients of Frank J. WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT. Scheidenhelm, will be presented to the Lavern E. Solem, Secretary of THE board by its'attorney, Henry J, Brandt, WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT. after which, as a further. mark of its respect. the 'board -%vill adjouru. Charter Plane for.Trip The meniorial preseinted and inscrih.ed uponi the permanent records of to Càadian North Woods Mr.. and Mrs. 0. E. Scheîk. 1601 the Board of Conmissioners reýds as Central avenue, :returied home re.follows centily .from a fisbing. trip oGri'.iff Make Permanent Rcr 111 IT OR1)INXED by the*Park Coi- fLake, iii Canada., They took a train misinesof THE WILMETTE PARK up the Hudson anid cbartered, an airDISTRICT that they desire hereby. toi Plane to take them to Cliff Lake, express their ýprofound regret* at the <eath of Frank 'J. Scheidenhelm, Treas- Iwhicb is the only. way the lake can urer of THE WILMETTE PARK D18- be reacbed-. hi1e tbey, were thebere. TRICT, and to niake a permhanent record Mrs. Schenký had the chief of the of their high appreciation of his Ue -and Indian..tribe. as-ber :guide. 'She character and his congpicùous and faithcaugt 150 salmon trout weighing befui service in this commnunity. twelve pounds Just <me year short of three déeadeS,ý tween, eight and he gave to the discharge of his duty to ap iece,. and Mr.. Schenk caught this Board., Immediately. uponi the orT hey were ganization of THE WILMETTE PARK thirty-nine muskies.. gone for three weeks. Their son. Bob,. is at c a ni p ini International Falls, 'Ninn. Hle just rëturtied toý camp after making a teix days' canoe trip. Bob) will be back in September for 'school. L n-ere oi Ul I .3 ]Rib Roau BEFF StanngIb 180 GOVERNMENT *AST...Jlb j GRADIE Eb -UCHOICIE" Avmoluw'ms peetal. PORK & BEANS, mmr.Cm........ ý31 for2 5 27e CORED EEFHAS HP U-o . .......... TOMATO JUICE, 20-o«. cn.Jfor ICOLO MATSl 5 SAUSAGE,31 IEUL thereî who be fund and disFRANK h CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS If.the p: cêdenti the indi and foui a mn-i d no pre ;hwa The United States Civil Service commission bas announced open competitive examinations for Soil Con- not be req in r>aion IUIt Lwas Il att ny VEAL CHOPI SLoin or Kiduey cuts, lb. ..... fromn his purpose. but slightiy mayb his views so often who Iinew hlm best to his judge.ment.1 willingly because1 shadow of doubta his purpose or of fid .1twu »L l i 11Zb Lgto aUnacieIios iegeein II a4 LUge or J, but those uni versity of recognized standing, and In deferrlng In addition, must have had certain exs0 the more perience. LAND CIROIS Choi. Shude6r =te, lb. Full information may be obtained honesty of from M. E. Von Glab», secretary of is trust. ýy the U. S. Civil Service Board of Exhe practicd aminers, at the Wilmette post office. s. neyer the 29C1