yosterday "Eke" cought the Corn C>b JUCh'aTpùrof the Tati stof7Fraternitydmnatt& generai store and toïd them how from now on gumed he'd bave tû de bis graveling by Rural Ftw DelivM. Sums Ne tke mile.; in Ekes galion of Red Cm" 1Inebbe warnIt goin'tolast out Ibo winter, "Course, that year the crops was bad we did strétch one buyin' o' Red Crown ov-er tbe hull winter, but that's prob'ly 'cause we did more han$oin that season. This year, though, itýOSPCLýncoulragin'. B'ought a full gallon not tune weeks back.and decided.to cut loose a bit.' inore'n another thousand mile on Hadn't'put ben balle Eke pi the.spee-doineter though, w , LPCS gasoline!' usin'that 1 She's uk,.',Pa Too durned dear, sezî! Ai that rate she'Il be. dry as a bone, come Christmas!" Good es Standard Red Crown is, we douht that it even went as for as "Eke claims toward meeting his high -standards. Forone reason or onother,many motorists have acquiredunfounded idecs about gqýoIine ffiiies--per-gallon. Thot is the rec- V s YoUR c