lows aàseé P riU4nallana Istage r A clever adaption of the recent play, with smnart dialogue and ridiculous situations is "Petticoat Fever," scheduiled by the Wj'lmeitte theater'for Friday -and Saturday cf. this week. The film .tel s. the story of a ýradio operator stationed in Labrador and, aturUay. Fiscbinger Several. years age, The picture will have inuch of inshorts picture motioný making started terest-for every member of the ,fainily, geoanimated in Germany, using with its - dessettings ert mnetrical designs ýto illustrate music playing on a, sound track. In this manne r, he gives audiences the samneforeign legion reactionis visually, tht' they receive his coinqùest when a beautiful woman i s. stationed. audibly. and' her elderlyý 1lover. ar e forced to Romance, aciland to refuel their plane. Myrna Loy, venture, an d Fischinger was signed by ParaRob;ert Montgomery, and Reginald tragedy with mount late, lastý year- and bas been Owen beaci the cast.. busy since developing bis stop-mïotion camera preliminary t turning The fascinating shots alone ýof. the cast and. diont wolrk for Pafamiïunt. building of the great work alone m ake rector comClaudette Colbert "]Boulder Dam," Wilmette's feature bine to niake film for Sunda.y,.Monday, and Tues- an outstanding filmi. day, well:worth seeing. In addition, there wilI be a showing Tennis Stars to Pa ThraiI Sequences of.the latest editi on of the March of. at Suünset' Ridge Aug.,:2 Wiîth some thrill sequences that Tue. The second of a series of tennis send shivers up and down the spine, Gold IslaFouadexhibitions arranged' by Mrs. Kari Ross Alexander plays the part of a 'It sec*as when goid is fo1ud, God, Kitrnrath willbe pe yedSunday,Âugselfish smirtlerfr who beotes a decent fellow througb pride in build- is forgotten" is th~e theme of "Robin ust 2, at 3 o'clock, at the Sunset Aniong the ing for future generations as a work-- Hood of El Dorado," Teatro's attrac- Ridge Country club. tion for Sunday, Monday, and Tues- players are V-irginia and AI Winston man on the dam. day. This theme is effectively deA exciting and entertaining murder veloped in the pseudo-historicai rec- of the Indian' Hill Country club; nlystery, with rnanv unexpected de- ord of the injustices perpetrated upon Louis Volpe, the professional at Exvelopments, is "Unguarded Hour," Mexicans by the greedy gold-seekers. nioor, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Kari Kamnrath, Mlýrs. Kamrath being the proWilmette's attraction for WednesA peaceful farmer, robbed of bis fessional at Sunset R idge. The exday and Thursday, which deals with the inabilïty of a young lauT'er, ac- lands, bis wife outraged, and left to hibitions will be given *throughout cused of murder, to account for bis die, turns bandit and sets ont to the sulumier. %vhereabouts at the crucial hour. avenge his wrongs. 0f interest to ]Ronald Cobemas Claudette Colbert Victor MeLagflem Extra: Ail New *"March Of Time" Color ýCartoon - Newis Feature Starts Both Days; at 2.25-4:45-7 -30-10:05 $un.. Mon, Tues, Aug, 2-3-4 Claire Dodd, and Donald"Woods in "Song of a Nation" Looneytoon -News Peature Stçlrts Ail Days at : 2-4-8:0548:10-10:1ý5 Wed., Thurs., FrL., Àug. 6-6-7 Wawner Eaxter-Marfg. Bruce Cabot Robet, T&lom4*usea Edgar KennedyOomedy Y gm« to T1eatro on WedtTestay, Thfursday, and Friday, is the delicate handling of the old story of glamorous love and Illustrator, Flagg, Noted secret marriage of the son of a Draws Cooper's Portrait a wealthy family and bis mother's James Montgomery Flagg, noted charming maici, and the resulting American illustrator, who selected complications, which include black.Madeleine Carroll as one of the five.- m ail and persecution by the butler. most beautiful wonien in picturtes, Critics bave commended the cast for came to Paramount >studio to sketch sincerity of presentation. Loretta ber portrait, an-d finisbed by also Young, Robert Young, Basil Rathdoing one for Gary Cooper.. borie. and Patsy Kelly take teading Cooper, an amateur artist of taI- roles. ati Lt>ay. erer. 1 1 Edward Arunold *'ri., Sat., Juiy 31-Aug. 1 "Pettlos, Vevewl" Robert Montg@uiemvy I i- al"Ly..- -Jiy -= -Co-tr- m Miss Ango1in. s Restaurant <a'.Place)A c enra Anne Bol»s