hy picture, "My American Wife." 4F Fever" ,L.ot.d o. ýWest I.ok. 1Avé. Mjoniag.the Curdes. Aiporti. Stéeak PIâte Lmial..k o Daior Friday: Fish Fry ,, 35ct 5 lenview TeL GIeu'vIew dit mop AlPmITP~' "Things to' Corne;" the prd;phetic in for Francis Leder in his new at the Varsity theater this Friday, drma based on H. G. WelIls' interestSaturday, Sunday, and 'Monday. The time of the early years of the igbok sthlrareatacina Sabuni, who goes by-the name of m bokFrahenatreatrctona of Emperor Victor Sabuini in Hollywood, is theý long ,reignJoseh Frnci th Valencia theater this Thursdayo Au son 'of Aga Nlôhammçd, Ahmed .Saand'Friday. buni of, Tripoli, Syria., His father, tria-Hunigary presenitatio. of. great >Aspectacular -wiith, at the present time an attache of the .setting, reasons, the mnagnimany for asrest. GraceMoori the French. legation there, once ruled Ga pices.owho ts udic Of the production vwith >its hundreds:of miles of 'What is now Lmaginiiesetic develonments. of as Syria when it wvas Turkish territory. masqueradesdressakerthe comfing century is impressive. par~The musclaomaiets The younger Sabuli's titie of Aga a Massey, Raymond fittine. ticularly corresponds to that of a mnarquis. Franscho tToe Cedric -Hardwicke., Edward Chapth playofSir par ap n agrtaSct. mn Francis:Joseph a, ledittman ers ot Rmar o t h er Good, Turnout for Guest and the oof cdtgmnbr ihrsnar -the Day at Wilmette Club members <ast.. the CraécsMoore cast. inclu d e rith clecver dialogue Nwit.ty reGuest day, with a field of about Herman, Bing- and 'Walter Connoll. marks, showing the complications 1îhEwr "Bullets or Ballots," seVenty-five players, was held at thc whien theft and murder. the capture nnv WHimette Golf club Tuesday oi this G. Robinsoh, joan Bennett,-10h gangsters. and a, budding romance., e sownof wll orgn, ee and score week, -%tith 'play for low gro.ss Blake,an e-ogn i b hw tran .spire on a Flor1ida-hound train. in three classesI and for the first, ai. the Varsity theater on Tuiesdaï, 'Florida Special" is the Valencia's atand second Iow gross for gus. Wednesday, and Thursday. A trip tation tîiis Sàturdaveeig daveeig tmderLvorld, it shows ~trahe Priies for members xvcee givhi to' into -the metodsempoye thie cast are Claude Giling~~-Heading mantasiig i to class:; first Dubane, Eleanor Mrs. les al n M rs. James Craig, for second class; ferent rackets and the great incoineswtr akOke Adaption Claver thein. rom f derived to Mrs. W. M. Echols, third. A clever adaption of the recent plav, with smiart dialoizue .and Human EnotionsIstg Guests winning prizes were Mrs. Petca ssiutos.i It's especially recommended for ýii1ag Audrev Harnsberger, llrst low gross. those interested in social conditions !Fever." iwh,*ch will lie presented on Mrs. C. C. Plumnier, second. the N'alencia's screen on Sunday and Lunicheon and bridge followed the and in improving thern., "Fury," with Spencer Tracy and \fna'Tesryi that of a-radio matches. Next Tuesday the qualifying round Sylvia Sydney, will be the Varsity's operator stationed- in Labrador and for the club championiship wîll bc feature film on Friday of next iveek. lis conquest when a beautiful woman I laved and an eighteen-holé Cv ..nt Rated by reviewers as an outstand- and lier elderly lover are forced to TlP 4ý l..:.. .j... f , iflc atflbeal for qanitv 'ind sincere Cf- 11- I r filtn at the Valencia on Tuesctay andi to go inWNaltz,"insoon "Champagne his film.ciebut M.\acMurray with Fred t'ararnount's to production roIes. and Gladys Swarthout in the leacing I ~ lias two homes in Hollywood and is in, a picture. thinkiîl2 of building another on pr.:)1- Gertrude M.\ichael, who has the title try. He will commute bétween. the noIe in "The Return of Sophie Lan.g," ranch and the studio when appearing STAR PLANS HOME GÉNTLEMAN RANCHER hearts pitting brains and skill against' As soon as the house on his San one another in rival military intelFernan~do Valley ranch is completed,j ligence services. Its nmade for those Francis Lederer, star of "My Ameni- who like adventure stories. Herbert can Wif e,",plans to give up his homne .Marshall, Gertrude -Michael, -and Rod Wednesday, is a movie of sweet-: in Hollywood and dwell in the coun- LaRoque head thecast. JOAN LONDELL dFRE P