ré"s your homne of antsta $ 4, hourm gaey beek, guazmt.. .ulai store& 3sSPueluet C*.. NDwSuke, WIÇ. garden plann ing and care, s011 and plant physiology and -related subject& D.L. Fonder. is associeated with the' Caldwell vne hra t10 Seed compan Evanston, wlere he make.s his hezidqurtrs Special -Discouats on WýýESTINGU'OUSE an. ELECTROILUX' REFRIGERATORS Two Years Io Pay 1711 Sherman Ave TeL VuÙ. 679 Evauston diemst ss Btalindnc ate that the difference in the. dégree tolerance Is Very ýslightý and it is raçsOf Rak VurCrb heds-jvery difficuit to apply an amount, of ast week bwe rns netheheispoisons which will kili th n CU550f" gien lst er njr hetr rssytno trol of crab grass, by raking and th ra apl nralth os Clipping.,Lawn' authorities are, agrcedgrse. is flot effectiveý or else itkis htthsofrsoeoftemstpa-cation i c>bgrss and the turf ol. Ifonîa 1e ot eot of tical thcfso begrasses In light cf theresuits which lanspesen itwil few ae 1lL behave been secured to date by the se plntsarepreentit ife better to dig. themn out. 0fl if the methods they are not to be recornlazm i the oewat tact that crab grass appears t oerntOfths es hs es .. be1mwaa plant poisons than are the turf gras- verv heavly infested it maved siz ed- a quarter of a mile off Vimette beach. Chicago, of Mrs. C. C. Moessinger, was given temporary aid at the Coast Guard, station, Monday evening, wheni.she selipped and fell betw een two large, rocks, on the breakwater Off Wilnîette barbor. At the station, it ýwas, found that ber, leg was brokeni, and, she was ta ken to a physician by ber h'usband, who was With ',ler at the time. As the coast guardsmefl were about to go to:the aid of Mrs. Moessinger in one of the station'S power boats with the view to moviflg ber f rom th~e breakwater to the station', John Kincaide of the, station's staff was £EFtIGERATOR SALES Opposte Varsity Theatre Oidest Agency on 'North Shore SUSURBAN In }Iuntington's be usedi the crank strikiiig bim across--he rebuild the. lawvn. But for -the usual as yet sufficiently reliable'to* there is no, recourse but to. depenci face. He was atedeatteMrn exnse infestatio digngsto hcao SMe.fhopta0n anid laborious and the rebuilding of upon a iiechaniical'method. ---suggestionls the followed the lawn is not justiied. It is for tj:ose who the average condition that raking and md last va to rake and clip the!u crab grass complained tat thxe creep-D clppng15sugested. Tae1yD ahM na after iThere are those who claim that ing stem, feil down toô soonto cut C.Bsho,4 edic Dr crab grass can be controlled through raking to make. it possible FredranC.Bscb-,4 Dr. sotdw yasod ,a is This the application of chemicals. The themn off with the mnower. rnofthe Dr. theliyerceodassociatd where disadvantage chemical methods so far suggested definite Buhomd Rihe li nierce sphad o100 rake must be depended ro, use of sodium chlorate. garden 00Rdg *vethe siu ideal ar-Anmlhsia, the that evident is it and Pett arsenic or soim arsenate, mrcnhs h odya de a rake attachoxide. The first two have been used rangement would be porhathr en would lift piasteha which mower the ior ~as wveed killers for a number of ment lastSaul and months, several for front in immediately up the runners was operated upon for gaî .cars, but onlv where the destruc-er.day ----------lde 0f the triowr He was a native rernoval. u ea hr l.np _;Iff A*.IkintAaa-eblde I ~' ~ fered for sale this year for the first sociated Lena Buschbornl. .uau ucc ashospital animal with the He time. We have tried this rake and find that it is effective in lifting, thej for muore than six years. cra b, grass WASHR. FOR THIS SIG NEW mower can clip themn off. This atCIVIL SERVICE EXAMS oeae tachment is called the The United States Civil Service and is available at Nyour local seed or bas announced open hardware 5tore. Or if your local, commission as follows:examinations the! competitive not have one, write a year, Soil Con$1,440 dealer does Aid, Student youare seetha ad hewil editr Department of Agrian seetha ~ouareservation Service,, he wil editr co11e,ýe traininlg years' Three culture. for information given the nece5sary to the optioflal * runners so* that the _________ securing one. - -- . work related w'th major chosen required; such trainling *subject 1131 Central Avenue; Phone Wibncetto 8 'cen ear crab gr2 ýy die wi 1 sligbti are seVL that the having ut iry to the greatly reduced thira one more lem I lai. prob be a the to andi ba$ ceased it