Final revision after the discovery of last-minute errors and omissions. this -week caused fresh cuts ln the 1935: tax rates in New Trier township, statisticobtained from the office of the. cotimty. clerlc by Tow10n Collector Sanborn Hale showed It was predicted ai the couinty offices Sthat first of the 1935, tax bis wilI beý in the mail afew days. The errors: were discovered in thse county and forest preserve district tax, rates.. In the former case,: tbere was a cut of 'four cents, f.romn .61 to .57i and ini the latter a drop of seven cents per hundred dollars of, assessed valuation,> from .1 to .04. Bats Rat» Cut Mll streets' will lead té the village Green on Tbursday, August' 13. when lege and' at tne University of Illinois. Wilmette Day wiII be revived asnid Miss Laura Durgin,-wbo' has been teaching st. Hinsdale..R iglischôol, the- pomp,'spienwill be added to*thse English départ- dor andý excitemienit faculty at New Trier. Miss ment of, an aIld ay celebration, Durgin isa'aresident of Wilmette. Miss Sue Sturla, who is complet- say A.- C. Wolff,' ing wiork for a master's degree at president, and- C. F..Clifton, Jr.,< Northwestern university, will, bea of the parttime teacher in théesocial science secretary, Chamber of Com-departm!ent. merce,, under the auspices of which thse affair is being The base, rate of New Trier -township ,apply ý-that is, tbe rate which throughout thse township in addition to thse municipaliity. park-district. and school distric~t rates wl3kh vary fr thse different localities-will be dropped from thse $2.80 announced last weekc to $2.69. Rates for the local taxing bodies were ziot changed f rom the announcement of Iast week. A complete chart of the rates for 1935 taxes, as computed by tbe 'county clerk's office, before the errors wvere discovered, was printed in last wveek's issue of this news-magazine. While thse state of Illinois and New Trier Township madle n levv on per-will Giest conductor o,,1 thse opening itight of the Illinois symnphoniy or-* chestra concerts >ext Wednesday ai thse foot of Lake avenue, u411 be p'cellist uwith thse Chicago sym>hoUY orchestra, andi present assistant mu'sical director of the Ravinia Festival. Dm.lSdneI g4**1-o<'e -fi ri Elecýtoon. Wil A. C. Pearson, JradAI JenACWK Mark Legiton' sen, the' bigisteam in charge of arrange-, Meëet August 3-powered ments, count that day a failure on Wilmette Post No. 46, American wbich no added attraction bas been at wbich next year's officers will be Thse Towns ette. will elected' at 7:30 o'codc Monday evening, August 3, in Washington Park. That 'meeting place was decided' upon by thse executive cemmittee of the post as a result' of the unusual success and enjoyment o! thse meeting and picnic which was held in Washington' Park by the post early in JuIy. At that time several athletic nte-sts and llers that prele ail possibiliofanyone bedeprived of opportunity te act pleasure ul the event. out thie townsnrp. school, thse taxing bodies had a lower rate in 1935 than ini 1934.- In thse case of thse bigis scisool, there was an increase in thse rate from $1.38 to $1.39. .The base rate went f rom $3.01 to $2.69. In, addition, there was a small cut ini real beene sional district of Illinois-, Wîil be held-------------=... ing tht Wilthse of support the toward nient on temple Masonic Wilmette the in In each case, except that o! the higis 'Sunday, August 2, for thse purpose of' mette. Symphony concerts. ,junior Just Inerease in Pewgonal - candidate foi rep- vice-commander James R. McCue anCongress f rom thîs inounced that the post's newly orini resentative district, and to discuss plans for thse ganized Courtesy Police would get campîgnto ollw. Terewila-b their first practical experience durtwo seinsthe firsw.that 3 o'lock :ng thse concert series. They have isessothe a tt'cl 3 o . m uee invited by 'Chief of Police Mcp. m., teohra7 'lcp.. Gur to assist thse regular police Regular' meetings. wili hereafter, sin'directing traffic and, car 1force illuc,..u hý 1kýA ;n t - Wrn.-fn nomirating a s an appetite whetter, plans ýemaking for an advance paare in rade, t, ake 'place, probabiy on Tuesday ev ing, the route being over. al streets of the village. Irt la princii iat things may be seen in the' bat wil make' it imupossible average manl or 'woman 40 An ad lu fer thse various park districts showed little change. It was. pointed eu't that nany residents ,of New T.rier townshsip wifilhave diffi(ÇCotiniued on page 6) WILMETTE LIFE la an excellen t go-between and the revived Wilmette Dsy a success. IHARRY C: KINNE, President, Villgeof Wilmnette., will bring resuits with a vàrinimum 'of expense. and Mrs. vWalter McintosKIu aiwu Greenwood avenue. Walter Smilth and ill11 Lane, Jr., left on Tuesday for. Camlp Manitowish, where tey