Marries Chicagoan at Simple Ceremony In St. Gertrtide%. rectory. in Chicago last 'Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock., the wvedding of Miss GenviveM. D%%verý of, Chicar.and- Dai-id James, Von ,Senlnet, son of Mr. and Mrs. WVillhan> Franikii Voni Sennet of 812 Elnivood avenue, Wilmette, took place. Af ter the ceremony a reception for the famiilies was. held -at: the ho6me ôf the bridé s parents. 'Mr. anid:iMrs. Robertj Divver, WVith ber dress, of white lace, thé bride wore a white bat and a corsage of white roses and lilies of the valle>'. The dress of lier oul>' attendant, ley of Evanston, was mai rried to A vok-e of real Irish lace which Sheldon Henry Moore. of 707ý7Laurel lier aunt's tirimnîed the. had'heen moruty Vednesdaj avenue,, Wilmette, haatsivory satin weddinggonwr ing at 10 oclock, at Stf. Atl Re. o-1wMiss Harriet. Alice Christie. church, Evanston, with the1 dv seph Byrne officiatitig. A wedding er,,marriage ,te .fofo breakfast was served at the Georgian Mnd4 Heichel, ýson, of Milton Robert the> 'for hoteél:iminediateîy afterwards immediate familles. rhtesikMr. and Mrs. J. R. Heichel of The- bride wore a suit -of wl cosgeAhland. Oh io.,,The gown %vas, with white accessories and a with a trai of purple orchids. Her -only. attend-ý m1ade Princess- stylesiceves. Her anit, b-er' sister, Ruth, was dressed and tight fitting rosc-, in a dusty pink crepe suit ,With ac- tullje Veil feli froin a cap of cessories to match. Her flowc es Sar> point lace,- and she 'carried, Ù gardenias and pink tea roses bouquiet of garietliaS uel H. Moore,lr., of Wilmeti,te served 5hower of the valley. id hes and his uncle as best mari.. *After their, Wedditig trip toe Bel11 ride muda, Mr. 'Moore and bis bi n. make their home in EvanstoC ided the guests indcuÉ Out-of-toi r anily.I%-ai-id mer Hort Samnuel NIrs. and Mr. Beatrice, of1 Anli, Kathryn daughter, Neb., and the bride's sister and ber \4cKiinzitfamily, NMr. anid Mrs. D. J. 'N Bai rhara. oi al and caughters. jean it is Delavan Lake. and maid of 4inor. -Miss Leôrni 'Vouriger. a Chicagoan, was of canary yellow. A purple bat and sandals and a corsage of vellow roses and purpie gladioli added colon contrast. Thomas J, Ewing of Chicago served as the bidegroom's best man. Mr. \on Sennet and bis bride. afEighty-finst street, Chicago, Carlos Photo P.acid I ,t il ber mariqcto Jam,1s 'on Sciipiet' !l'iet * Saturday afiermoon. Jilv 25,. Mrs. ter an automobile trip through Wisconsin, wilI be at home at 905 East, it'vr of Chictilli. Shf' is tilt, yr damphter of thé, kobert .I Thé- bride qroomî is thi- son ef M.lIandiiiVrs. ,Jt'iIlialnFra)nkýlîl"Voi about For Autumnn Bride The colo scheme of the weddiîig. b n d white. wag carried out ini the %white-gladioliý and white lilesý wh'îici> decorated 'the altar of St. hdurch where'Vte' ecreht1i nony took place at 12 o'clock nool). but 'for the reception hield imnmediatelv folloiig at the home of the hridce; niothier. -Mrs. David Christie, avenue. the decorof),, (reenw%%oodl aitiolîs werc garden fRowers itii vare(-gated lshiades.1 The bride's attendants ail \vorrwvhite andl carried sbower bouqtietý, of Nvhite larkspur, white stock. snapî.)a-lies dragons, anid daisies, and blue coru-ý flowrr.-rTliir onwns uere fmos William 'Von Sennet at their home ini Wi1ette Iast Frida>' evening. Thecir. son's best man> was himself the guest of hoor at a cocktail part>' the Voni Sennets gave earlier in theý summier at their home just. before Mr. Ewing's marniage to «Miss 0111 tained at a bridge, party and mis-tues Mis Ruth Enright of Gc1&mcor cellatieous slimven. Miss Copthornc . as maid of honor, and tIu sre to is to be mannîed in Septeniber twili sistens, Eleanon and. bride's street, Third 6MO of Ostrom Rennolils UVilmettc6 Following a short wed- Florence, as bridesmaids. Guy Heiding trip. thy will bc at home ini Chel attended his brother as best In the chapel of_ the First Ni](- Ceilter. nman, and the ushers wene Tom> Chrî-Lee Harvey of Tulsa, Okia.. took Methodist church of Evanistoti tic, brother of the bride, anid Harrv place on the Fourth of July. Landis of Woosten, Ohio, cousin oî Satuirday afternoon, August 8 the bridegropum. eichiel, the bri'deFls n. Nf. Province President lirefor tbç -,rooii'sparntswer We .dding Day of Almina Epperson Pi Phi Meeting The, North Shore Aluniae c lui> of Pi Beta Phi sorority wiIl meet FcQllowing a wedditîg trip Mn. for dessert 'and bridge on Fnida>', Aurelius ,and bis bride will mike July 31,~ at the home of Mrs. H. M. their home in Evanston.. are,1000,Hili road, Winnetka. The presidency of I klt, province of Kappa Delta sorority has been placed in, the hands if .Mi;s Mary ,Calheryn Niestadt of 805 Gr-e-lraf arc>î n4ei linette. Mliss l-Mez Kirtle>' of 927 Greenlleaf avenue will returu on Satur<la3Y from a fortnight's vacation sp-?iit,,.'t Çcedan Lake. Ais.