Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1936, p. 18

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Pàtronize Our, Adwi"tbser road."ý So read a "personal" ini last week's issue of this paper. Being, in. coxumon with most Anencans, cotsiderablyr confused'in regard to the present, critéal, situation in Spain, and being lnformed that Mr. 'Witmore had been resident in the' Spanisb city .for the past seven years. this reporter could flot overlook the opeportuiiity to secure -irst band informatiion, and wýas fortunateýl .temperamient.They The Public is cordially invhted *0 a PhiliIp H. VVrhitmore 'in réceiving a g raciolm~s consent to an FREE.LECTURE Cliristian Science' Ttu.d.y, Angist 4, 1936, ýat 8 P. M. JOUN RANDALL DUNN C.S.B. t. ostn tseuet in Elm Place Sq highland Parle, l Auditorium, Sheridan Rx.ad and Elni Plac., io. Mr. Dunain s a niember of the Board of Mother Chureh-Tht, Flrt Churuh of Chr1bît, interview. Mr. Whitmore wa ýs found to be a. the alert, proerican executive, -e being called to nesponsîie positions ;in foreign ,inidustrial fields. He is sassociated with the Ebro Irrigation & Power Company, Ltd., a subsidia:ry of the Barcelona Traction, Light & Power Company. Ltd., a forei ign corporation, witb offices in Barcellona. His activi.ties arc in the clectriý ical appliance division- as inany for the-Ir nturies as %Verc eation. Store, H.t.I - Catalonia,'in whichBacoai sîtuated," >1Mn. Wbitmore contiriued. i.e nbraces the provinces of. Gérona, iBarcelona, Lenida and Tarragoria. Hereë the* people are of. a different are not Casýtil-, conservative, peacelian, .arere loviîîgam industrious. Thiese characteistks offered. a barnier,,to thc advance of radicalism and.beld. it in check until necently.. Even before 1 left, there .on July 1, the adverse effect UPOII the economic situation had becomne pronounced. Industries. notably textile, found that'their salesiipenî ere returning without orders. Stnikes were being fomnented., for. tefl days the stores of the city %vert' closed ,by striking empl oyees, a]though the owners were required to' kepl theni open. Nothing could bu sold, houwever, as there were no clerkçs to wait on trade. A hotel strike Ieft guests to do their own work, take care of théir rooms, and perform other services that had been difcontinued. The mercantile striküs %%-re peaceful but continuecd 0oer. coinsidvrable pçriods, due to differeflCes between the owners and radhical emplo'vees on social questions f f. PARK, Iljof. the A~ What Shoes' of the civÎl conlict now in progress present gôvertiment ils comiosed r.Whitmore said: ..l the radical. elernent. andi that the i Spain, *so-called **rebels.*" or revolutionists, would not even venture a guess. Con-, are the coriservatives. "At the elec- i ditions change so rapidly that ai],> tion lield in Fehruary." hie said, "the'ý statement would be only a guess. *Popular Front, or radical partv,. was Were I to tell you that at 12 o'clock, swept into contraI of the goveril- todav the situation is thus and so., ment. This Popular Front party is1 by the same tinie tomorrow it might composed of various radical groups,1 be, entirely diff erent. For one thing. comnmunist. socialist. svnidicalist (la- the censorship >there is so, striiîgent bor) and nthers. These factions. tra- that. to secure accurate information PC)DL Uiversity 0973 riçpu Fraspurw been takig pac Spain, it is' oni, have spread to1 of the country. listurbances have in various1 parts of recently that they Snortheastern part ithe ,southwestern cies andi otners, Mr. v vealed a fund of inforir ing that he has made a of conditions while rem irom participation in pc ities. al activ-

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