PURITAN DRUGS at 20% off regular price! This sale brihgs you real savings! Compare the regular prices with the sale prices listed belôw: )ur first sale of fine Arensatie Coseru .... 2 oz. Reg. 20 . 4 oz. Reg. 35c 8 on. Reg. 65c 16 oz. Reg. $120 .. l 96c Bey Rm 16 oz. Reg. 39c . 31C Campheruted Oil 2oz.mReg.l19. ... -15e Cod ... 16 ôz ;Reg.49ce....32 oz. Reg. 69c.....-.- ver Oi FAMOUS .RED'. CROSS SHOES Reduced for Clearance whit. meek. Me and Brown Cd Uver O1AA 16 oz. Reg. 59e ... 47c nPpperl 36C ....... 45c Reg. oz. 2 Essesse of oly.erie 4 oz. Reg. 18c ......-- 14c $ .89 Pumps. Stfeps. Ties, aind Sports Oxfords Originally Sold for $6.50! .16oz. Reg. 40c 32 oz. Reg. 69c . ¼ Gal. Reg. $1.23 32c 55 98c AIl sxes lu the gromp, but not in e v e r y style. // ~/1/ Olive 011 23C 8 oz. Reg. 29c 32 oz. Reg. 89c...>.72ë 36e y Spirits of Caompher 4 oz. Reg. 45- ....... In-&ma s af.n& LÀ . 15e Floor Ph... 40 1100 " Shoe Salon-Street Floor WIL METTE LIFE