NOW AT, YO,U R FO RD DAE Alý clomodel Deluze Ford V-S'a nov ýhave new ýWalnut fi"i ionii-i ltrment Pend Md windov mouldinca; a rusielu glare, rear view nurror with 30hour dlock; locking glove conpartment and tandem wlndshield *i r. Other Ford V-8 9 have beautful newlnterioma The upholstcry oni doors and aides has been gpven a smart, ocau LiA uAA3 1.1 aaia ass« at no extra cost. Ini DeLuxe modela you bave your choice of Mohair, Bedford, Cord Or> Broadcloth upholatery. «ET TUE FEEL 0F V-0 PERFORMANCE JUVL Y 3,936 CEOT THE FACTS ON -V-8 EOONOMY 1