Company. Baptist Women tô oce Quit, Antique Exhibit' On,-,Wednesday tmorning, August 5thé Baptist womffen of Wilmiette are planning to drive to Walworth, Wis., to secé the lovely quits and antiques on dispiay there. Anyone interested ini going is asked to get in touch wiith. Mrs., John Davis or Mrs. George Conice., Mrs. Arthur C. Youngberg of ý-Hibbard road, wilib otess o h luncheon of the Baptist Women's1 society-on Thursday, August là.* HAVE OUTING MNr. and Mrs. Lester W. Elias of 808 Elmwood avenue with Mabel, Grace, BiIly, Molly, and johnny, left on Wednesday for Rhinelander, Wis., where they will vacation for two wveeks. Mabel and Grace have been living in Buffalo and arrived on Sunday for a visit with their family. Mr. Elias and the boys spent Iast week 'at Rhinelander, returning to Wilmette on Suinday for' a few days. 040W Yes,. this NEW Wilson Tender Made Ham does rate a niedal for time-saving on hot, busy summer days. Serve coid, or just plump PEOPLE 0F .WILMETTE WiIson's Tender 4dàr Cà £i -è,,A "m n# 4 w 0 Made ce% a - Ham *îs80o new in charac- Wilson's NE~W Secret Process does it. Andi more. For this amazing.-new-style hani won't cook away! You save the M0 to 25%Y frequently Iost in cooking. That'. why this, new miracle hani actually no more on *Serves More Pee ple 1 *Uedy in 1-5 to 1-4 the timel 0 Soves on Fuel fIva..& dthe Dbordd Cbabwuof b'