Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1936, p. 8

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service, vith Ho Wilmette. 'iLee M itchell is at C.amp Miller on Sturgeon Lake, Minn., and plans to be home about the same time the rest of the. family is expetd ak.Mrs.: C.R., McClung of Menmine violited",the Méitchelis at. their home several days last week. I Put1 Hearb ýiostlud Schmi 7). CliJ The. erder of servic~e at il o'clock will luclude the followIng: Dubois Prelude-Benedictio Nuptiale ..... Mrs. P. G,. Drebes Solo ......... Field-Lecohetitzky Otis, Edward y trust," ; soloý, 'O 'ololat; Sa-vor, Offertor-Noctourflne Gluck; Frey ," The Sermon-"The Bible and Civil Govln -D 'Majo, 'Postlude Sernmenit"............ .Romans- 13 :1-5 Postlude-'Entree. Du Cortege",. .Dubois Optîitnists Enjoy .Ouating at Rogers Country Home Twenty members of the Wiltnette optimist club and their friends were enterîainied Wednesday of last week by C. L. Rogers, mlanager of Shore Line Cleaners, and Mrs. Rogers, at their country pace near Lake Delevan, Wi>. -tti and evening- were sp<nt in aftenoon golfing boating, swimming and other outdoor sports. A feature of the eve:nt as a dimner, presi6ed ôver by Mrs. 'Z6eers: hu.f'y 521 Par& Dr. ~ SI.p Keuil. 3532 The SuflGaY school 1wil ..meet ,ait *10 Announcements for Holy Communion o'clock ln ail deipirtmente., We.wll. wel- wIll be receiveçl ait the parsonaïge on corne acholars: of other schools which Friday, between 1 and 9'p. m.l are, closed. for the summer. On August 6 the Martha Guild ls sponThe'laist session of the. Adult Bible, soring a beach party on Wilmette beach. claie before closing for the summer1 will Thos. attendinigwill.-'eet at 3 o'clnck be held ait 10 o'clock ln the chaipel. The on the roof of the waterworks at Michilesson will-be the 'closinig yeairs In the gain and Lake avenues. lChosewho have 1f. of, St. Paul. We Invite you to study flot alreà,dy registered for this outim- wilIl ,please cali Mrs.a.ckel, .Willmette 1396. with us. The subject, of, Sunday's sermon was The, church services will_ continue by several letters writteii rethrough the summer. The guest preaichers suggested newspaper editors ln 'which during, the paistor's-absence. will be as cently, to wais quoted as favoring one or Bible follows: Auguat 9-The Rev. Harold F. the government. We beBranchi,D. D., pastor of the First Pres- the other formi of ill be Interésted ln heairbyterian church of Tuscailoosa, Ala.; lieve that you the Bible does say on this Auguat 16-flev. Clairence B. Post, pastor Iiig jatat what We shall welconie you. of the Kirkland Presbyterian church of tiinely subJéct. 3-Th4e u 4 Yotk»O -Clintonr New Detweiler, D. D., of the James E. 'Rev. Board o-f Foreign Missions Presbyterian of Chicaigo; Augustî30-TIi. Rev. HowDr. George D. Allison, minister of the. Federated Church Conegdon Iowa; rd Corning, a September 6-TIie of There will be the final United Sermon. Rev. James E. Detweller, D. D. service ln the cliurch at 11 a. m.; Mr. Hindle.y will coriclude bis special serThe pas tor and hits famiy wilI spend mon series with a message on "The their vacation ln Coloradlo, visiting Estes Divinlty of Discipline." The. Sunday Park, Rock~ MountaIin National Park, Worship will close with a Union ComDen ver. Colorado Springs, and Pueblo. munion which deaicons of both ichurchesi Wiiinetka, winner oftht~e îu-to-12-yearold class, who. wrote an essay entitled "My Pets," and told of chlptnunks, rabbits, borses, and dogs, and was, illustrated by. her oiwn pencil sketches. "Sally," a story of a cocker spaniel,' was 'the winni ng contribution in the "over-12'l clas's. It ,was submitted by Mardean Hole,.935 Tow.er road, Hubbard Woods. The prize was a bookc about the care of. pets. Members of the judging group 'were Mrs. Gordon Sibley of Winnetka, M'rs.. Irving. Knudson of, Kenilworth, and Mrs.. William Chamberlin anhd Mrs. H.U. Pine .of Wilmette. Mrs., Alan.Perguson (Mary Louise Hays), who- has, been making her home..ini Washington. since ber marriage this spning, is visitirig ber -father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T., Hays jof 519, Laurel avenue for, five weeks. Mr. Ferguson is ini Dayton on business but wi11 spend bis week-ends ini Wilmette. 0o Miss Pauline Lewis of Pasadena arrived on Sunday for a month's visit with ber sister, Mrs. R. A. Wbeelock. 919 Asbland avenue. Mrs. Wheelock and Miss Lewis and Phyllis and Priscilla,' Wheelock left on Nfonday for Batist Ckurck of Disci- and respoind t counsel. ai service Sfor the . 'Watcbes 0 ies, Americain In repalrlng ntel dlocks andl d, reasonable A R~ock River Conference Suniiner Re-' treat wili be heid ait College camp. Lake Suninmer visitors are cordiaiuiy invited, Geneva., Ui-USt 14 tÔ 16. Bishop Willeh church dorf is inviting ministers and laymen to at wbich to share these haippy joint services. spend thèse few days thinking together ey expeet__________ uipon the problems of our persona1 re-.. is hoped atiônships to our God, our Church, our gLJlfi npressive . fellow-men, our nation and the worid. JYIe&r.ods* 4 fellowRates are very reasonable. Wilmiettp avenue at Lake avenue ing servn:returns Amos Thornburg, minister il leader-'ch from Thei. minister'wil be in the pulpit Sun[The sum- day morning, August 2. The preaicher - ~e for ministerial caire Chtrca English L ut heran Seventh street ait Greenleaf :it, brief. ~AU~ prrTir4<1rikl a Z he ehiurch wil Inever fail fromtm Ayone who Is willing to place gaird nIngect.'o main but mainy ai main hais failfloWers 'tn the, pulpit on amy Sund&ey ed fromn neglecting the chiurch. Z5 S V~

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