WILMETTE LIFUi or ail three papers; Wednesday B P. M. for WINNETKA TAIC and ThursdaY 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. TOlephones: Wflmette M00 Wlnnetka t30, 1216-1217. S3heldr4ke (Wlnnetka' 500 after 6 P., M.), qreenleaf 4300 or MUSICAL INSTRUMNTSm* Deadlne fo inserio s n -- Cope laseifted advertlsements will b. acup to Tuesday 9 P. M. for LOS? AMipPôVUNDý ADAMSCHAAFP BABY GRAND PIANOLOST: SCOTrCH CO0L LIE W1T A-i cond,, cheap. Also M1ason and eround neck and underpeath. .Back Storage Mart, IredalIe Storage, Hiamiin. black. & rugt color. TaPil streakod *bite 4LTl1-itP green .studded I1723 Bénson, Evanston. wéarig Was Siender. collar., Answers name 1 Ml0ckéy.Y ,Re- FOR SALE,-VICTOR ELECK1UC VIC2L1-ltp record -chagier. trola, .Automatic ward. Giencoe 974. case. Space for- records. THUR$DAY. LADY'S BLACK Mahogany LOST: .40LTN11-ltp .purse. îiitiais U FS. Contàined bank, Winnetka 2188. bo;ok. Phone Wilmette 2401 LOST-BOY'S RED SIDEWALK BIcycle between Green Bay and Ridge Where Tour Pets Have Road, near Park Drive, Kenilworth. 24-Mour Attendaue Reward.' Phone Kenilworth 5258.* Boardlng - Pluckint - Clipplng 3LbTNi1-ltPý ina Hubbard Woode, mt Loff FRIDAY IN WINNEtKA VIL- 908 Linden Ave. Winn. 3771, lage. Compiete set of Washington bicetenna tamps in, blocks £of 4 with GORGEOUS PED. SPRINGER Write A-78, 1Box mountings. Reward. 1 21TN1 1-ltp ELY z 60, Wilmette, Ill1mb .. children. LOST: SATURDAY NQON, JXJLY 18, oni Greonloaf Avenue wost of llth street, pir nmen s oye-glasse, bow style. S8LTN11-ltP WOMAN WISHES CLZANING, LAUNdry. 60c an hou'r. "'etv-rnes COL.- GIRL W~ CLEANING OR L WEDNESDAYS AN] Glencoo V, FOR WHITS GIRL AFTRNO)ONB gent-rai houseworkL. No Iauncry. Z2 aduits.Phono WMimotto 25238 ANIMAL HOSPITAL houàework, 2 adulte. 843 WarWlCk Road, Kenilwortii. PhonoeI<ellworth 7iLTN11-ltP 74Weore 10 a.m 1 *8-$7. 2 MAID GfleinARiUWHITE. 6SLTNI,-ltp Some leppdry, ý tay nkghts Chlldren. EXP. WHITLM GIRL WIISHIES DAY or go IX near 1520 tàWbr Road.Cli 71LTNI11tp. work. Will serve luncheons. Do dcean- Winnetka 664. nlng, Ironlng. washlng. Very reas. Mise MAXI>FOR WRItE Kowal, CalI oves. 8:30, Winnetka 3592. EXPERIENCED general housework. Ilr.e adults. o» 68L11-ltp baby. Stay nlg4t9. References.« 'Cfli WHi TE WOMAN DESIRJCS POSITION Glencoo 31., . il i i-1tp cooklng or temporary work. PreparED WIuT Ex p BRI1EN C Ing luncheons and dinnors a %)eclty. YjOUNG, mecond worL OSLTN11-Itp .nurse for children and Phono ICeystone 5455. GlencS 1067.. OR Referonfes.015.IFAN.-M NURHEMAID FOR ITILTU1-iti> growlng children. exporienced, dependGENFOR 40 ox60, WHITE wOMAN 26 TO'» able. Referelàs. Write A-83, era hosewrk.Good plain cook, WILMETTIE 2995 liel wih lundY f 10-' hôm 0161- jA' - Ip care Quality Bicycles-w Pzcuu Complets line of &Il SUMO in Stock Ltberai truie allowsnce on old bike 8 WEEKS OLD........ Reconditioned bicycles - Second HRd 1522 Bjks s 10.00up. Depondable RepaIriRIE. REASONABLE .... WINNETKA DMDEVT AN PCIK-UP FRpE V 44LW11tpLucille's DOMOCHLPBAC1K 7 WEEKS OLD WELL IIARKED, A iiew service to Nortb8 hore Homles. Çali Walter Peterson, Ref thoroughy Iuventlgatel. StrtctI7 Reglstered. , Irish Terrier Puppies CHAUFFEUR.. A-ipa 44LTN11-ltp EXPERIENCED refWorecos.- Write A-8i, pB o 0, WII- encei dxi 9LTNi11-ltp Lngoo mette, lu. SETr. wD.-MALz AND FMALE FINE STOCK ___ Placement Bureau ST. BERNARD PUPPIES BY(C LLAC Sc Ph9no Missn88. 0-tfp REPINED UEXPERIENCED WVHITE SECOND GIRL WrNNE*TKA 1528 71L11-itp