'1IR0NX I-NN DImes-lt a te 49e NO Coveir or Niemm uCharge 8816 Bronx A».., Nil.. Cent.a' Toi. MW Comisu' 248 Dempiter «IV, TerminalI Whichev.a' T..P rof on IOTTLWor CNE Teiuanrnuu L 5I Mary Astor is a mau-bater. Melvyn Douglas isa; wornafl later. They and the fun begins and! conýPresentlng Myrtle Bigden Driscoli nieet, as guest artist with the support Of a tinues- until both have been invôlved cast which was mnostly prôfessional1, li jail and mnatrimofly. Saturday. The story ii that cf -a criminal. at- the group showed consistent «improve-, "And. So They Were Marrtiéd," torniey who turni G-titan in an effort ment,.over its lait two seasons. Theý the feature picture.at the Wilmnette. to track down. the gangsters who killed setting andI igbting were li keeping. theater. on, Friday and Saturday., rei.s brother. Giving uùp his practice,_ with the gaiety ofý this subtle satire, cf volves ;arounýd: dith Fellows rtand he ettles. in a smalWestern.tow n, the*smal town hbostesand the visit- George, McKay,, respeictive children finally captures tbe eutlaws-ý, and wins ing celebrity, and the gala, "firqt of Mary and Douglas, and their atthe girl. night" audiéeethoroughly. enjoyed- temàpts- to. keep the -old folkài svp"The Unguarded Heour,," witb Lor- itself. arated. When they succeed too well, opening the to contrait direct In they plan to. unite themù with a well-. Franchot Texte, Lulu .6e, will play Sunday's nieit bill, planned hoax, with resulting laughs Roland! Young, :. Caroîin 1a and mixups. the of draina Vollmer's.stark Lewis Stonei p-M . Driscoîl plays. .a ThuiagaTe as leading mem- bills,<Su matriarch. mountaineer the of role dramnatizathe 'the 'Corne," to <'Thingi bers cf the cast the as cast is M4erriman Robert of the, and Wtelle-ntvel G. H.1 Of, tien is an exciting and son who goes to war. Other memnbers world acentury hence, is a. mmct imcast include Imogene Kaufman, portant film, especiallY f rom. ,the murder ntystery, cf the Don Lamson andI Ernest viewpoint of technical achîevemeit. Hansen, wth many un-. Carl Tt will beh at the Wilmette's icreen on expected devel-, :.and 44ve"dteyourv m. i,and - Ir tacu' I "o*' SUN ERICI mlirder, - te uccount for lisC00 Breezes, a certain hour. Bc< the director of "The age on Sunday, Mon- breezes L. have received spe- h.rx Colorf, fori theý r,* which will appear mWîui ophetic drama is a spec,esentation of great interest reasons. The magnitude of, iction with lts- imaginative deVlepmeflts cf the centIretI years iimpressive. of the cast include Rayssey, Sir edric Hardwicke, haoman, Margaretta Scott, h Richardson. of Tracy, the cast are Binnie Lee herine Alexander. .s 1Xiget cf the An, liceeat )ryRatoff andI ed ably by one Frank Lloyd. 1be an a11-new of Time." graceful talent i both ballet and acrobatic da nciniz has been accorded spon-, taneous acclaiti. Other acta include James and Evelyn Vernon, dance teati; the Rocky Twioei. sophisticated.Parisian dancers; FR ED STONE SKATES Fred Stone, currently appearing in "M-y American Wife," ioevof the hest ice skater li the screen coiony. He learned to ice skate for one cf his Broadway shows in which he performed on the surface cf a thny tank ,ers." The 'scenes w in New Mexico. "The Imember ot King LGeorge firstPC his V'i bodyguard andI won filme! opportunity asa. marksman. opposite Pi'ckord i irstn Wan"The was in noIe, which Broadway Mary Virginia." of rens