Carl1oPhoto A Winetieka girl, Miss Fronces Whitmnaù, is now broadcasting over station WAAF each rhiursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. She has her mot' progrant, knourn as the Frances Whitmnan hou,'. Miss Whitmn», daughier o! the Roland Whutrns, has studicd voice i»n gland and is t/e pupil of Forrest Larnont, formerly leadng tenor uit/i the Chi- I Dick Metz of Mill Road Farm wbo tied Harry Cooper for the St. Paul'j open cbampionship last Sunday, -jim and jack Carberry of Shoreacres Golf club, George Smnith, Onwentsia pro, and Charley Nordberg, home club pro, are A isted as instructorst wbo will appear at the free golf school classes this Friday, at Lake Forest's Deerpath Golf club. WATER HEATER home on Tues( motor trip to a three Minn.