of intereat. Miss Roc expects to be wisaom and econc >mny ox ising the experience of the architect ini even back about Auiiiit 2M. th" simplest struC rtu're., But, what of the garden?' ire we using the s building ? Inthe same wisdom. in -ità vavali, we thin.k of Present building Feý a pleasant garden aà coq hI oule in-a UOIS«wILv @-XMater Ant BSuer and, despite the.-i udge limitations, ri" y..r hSoretmuats 4 boum. proce ed to build *t0 lie bouse first bemomw bsé gvuarstes. a" lat sores.. fore we give muel!h thought to.the gairden. When Madam wi ishes a: new gown: does shefirst pure :hase the lace and oter ornament aLnd then pro1ceed with the selectionî of a- gown with which the ornameniIt May or. may'not harmonize? Or do es she first procure a piece of c oth and ýthen concern herseif with1 the type of gownthat will suit the eoccasion? Nay, verily I-Madarn is too astute not to know -tht f the Èown is to match' ber particular colo r and personal ty and bc an asset to her indavadual kust first be visualcharîn, the gown mi ized in ber uiind. She then seleets a gown in accord -with her concept, or proceeds to pic k a pattern as a guide in selectin g material and ornament and in tthe maling of the Iionwn. or. aoain. hiieMay consult one the individual de- Ir WJL AN W 1 Fonder such -a dense mat that the desirable W LUU lmAu UUoJia" killed. Seed. coxnpany at 1502. Sherman venuev grasses are smiothered and, Augof fifteenth the about Usually headhie makes ho Where Eavanston, ust seed stems and spikes are proqar~s. duced and. the seeds bcome suffiCRAB GRASS DMTs Again we corne to the time of year ciently -mature during the, next. two jwben crab grass becoanes the big-, or, three weeks tg produc new plants gest nuisance on' the home grounds. the next, year.,Thisstage has already We bave looked forwalrd to its cona- been reached in some cases.. 'ing with dreadl, k»owing that it would muin the appearance of the The fact. that crab grass plants of lawn whicb has. beeni attractive> alI this year doflot, live. through the season. Realizing how serious this winter to plague the lawn again and: problemn is- we wish. to renew again that next year's plants must arise the discussion given last year of one from seed is the. characteristic wbich, means of bringing this pest under Makes possible the control of this grass by raking and clipping. Eviccntrol. We suggested last vear that .crab dently if ail -o the seeds in the lawra grass could be brought un der con- germinate this, sunamer and if their trol by persistent raking and clip- production is prevented there will be ping thie infèsted àteas. Sotne of nro seeds for taiiw crop of lplants those who followed this suggestion, next year. Fortunately it is poswere very successful and we are sible to prevent theproduction of the convinced' that the degree of success seeds but it is robable that ail of the depeaads. upon the thoroughness with seeds present in. the lawn will flot germinate this season. There fore, which thejob is done. even though no new seeds are proCas Be C.atrolled To aunderstand that crab grass can duced soine will be present next year be controlled tp a great extent by to give rise to new plants. Thereraking and clipping, it is first neces- fore, the fight against crab grass sary to know something of its growth must be expected to cover a period of two or three years. It is this WANTED: -College Manla Ouar Orgouuluatloa nomical manner 'as she was in attending to- the needs of ber ward-. robe?. Too often, tanfortunately, she is not 1 Perhaps Madai» is to be excused on the grounds of lack of experience for, wbereas a home is built, but one or several times in a lfetime, the wardrobe is a matter of seasonal replenishnient. .Even as we bave learned that the vicus year. Crab grass usually germmnates in this area the latter part of July but the extreme heat of the past few weeks has given it a good start in some sections. It is very susceptible to injury by low tenperatures and is killed by the first frost in the flu. CiI.. Tv. Varieties There are two varieties of crab grass conimon to this area but they are so siailar in appearance and At times it may be advisable to dig 'Out the crab grass but this method is too laborious unless there are onîy a few plants present. Furthermore, this digs up the lawn and prodraces spots at a time when the. lawn should. be green. At other times the inýfestation anay be so heavy that the only logical procedure is to shave the surface layer of soil off and rebujld the lawn. But if the grass is not present in too large a quantity it 1 g5 .. agaînst the street or agains Une, or lest the use, Conven let tri.. luib. a prés nascape flou i [l- 1 Lm ends. i Lake, Wis. Mr. them during week-