Arche Anderson, August 15 Bride The numerous parties plannied EarIy- in August Central avenue,' wiIl take place ýon. Saturday",afternoon, August 1, at 4:30 at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brashears, at 1241Ashland avenute. Miss Brashears will be attended by Mrs. William I. Bates (Mary Tbaleg) of Chicago as ber niatron of honor, and ber brother-in-law, Gardner Abbott,. wil l serve. Mr. Wo>lff'as best man. Aiuong thé parties for Miss Brashears were the personal showcr given. on june 6, by Miss Charlotte Bassler at ber home in. Highland Park, the wbicb 'the miscellanieous ,sbower' of the ]Baptist church of Wihuette gave on June '17, at the home of Miss, Betty Clark, the linetI shower whicb Miss Florence Oison and Mrs. Bates gave on july 1, at .§-- --- A for Miss Archa Anderson of Winnietka, Who is to be' married Augs 15, to Herbert Tbhorp Lundahi of 'Kenilworth, Will begin Monday atnon when one of the bridesmaeids., Miss Gretchen. Onderdonk o Wannetka, gives a tea andkitchen shower at her home, 190 ILindenu street.., t. lehistess at.he secnd -of the- Mrs. Charles F. Southward of 306 Oxfo rd; road, Kenilwort,1 arniounces the'approaching mair1nrasgeQi ber. daughter, Helen, .to. Glen Louis Hanimer of Alex: andia, Mii., Saturday, August 8, at 4.:30 oô'clock,îii the, afternoon in hber home in Kenilworth. par6ie, a tea snd saame sub&cuiptiou shower W"dmcdlay, July _»., at ber home. 2234 P.~roamd. Sxturý-. the Rosemary. Engel, Miss 1-usso. Miss EMaine Eva Chaser, and Miss alerno. Mr. riil give the and I&s. Brashears bridai dinner party at1 eir home on July 29. it A-hich R«&Rg Hide 1The bride wil have but ont, attendant, ber côxm,. Miss* Gertrude Faulkner of Chicago. Serving the bridegroom as best man will ýbe bis brother, Marvin -Hamnmer, also of, Alexandria. Enterta>ining ini Miss S outhward's Iionor began last Week wben Mrs. H. E. Faulkner gave a, tea and miscellaneous shower on Tuesday at ber home in Chicago. The followung Tliursday, Mrs. 11ieoMbte Wallach, also a Chicagoan, was hostess at a tea and pantry shower. On Saturday . evening Charle> .Southward gave a stag swimltng party, supper and bridge, followed by a surprise shower in honor of the bridegroom. Mrs. Kendall Hinmiai of Evanston hiad a tea and surprise party Wed- i. Fuuos diner l tsK 1. t ry;T"o Mr. and Mu. iEdwiun P. WmrY have e ugageent of t.beir utwMU ughter, -Franme Bode, to John Allen uauson f the 1,fr-r ri Mk lîrdIM., lm, August 15, in Satunà *aftenn~ *~t ~ temnd ,en thse flowing -- A"su thse idai ce t,Dkmw erTi"oia Te futu the dinuer aù4 at bridge Mrs. iniJams Illmfier bomne is giving Dame hurst. Miss Southward -is a graduate of Northwestern uni'versity aud a memiber of Pi Be*'a Phi. Mr. Hamuier be' came a member of Sigma Chi fraternlity at.Utah State ùniversity. tney stopped at aiIjVcir NaLionai t.n111V i ggAI,lopbcl park, and on thé returu trip thry ..with the W. W. Baldi uncle ini Evanston. visited Lake Louise snd Banif.hi out s and., class Neu, Trier in i1935. Since her graduation, she has been eagerly awpaiting the tinte until the age limit for etering St. Mari's inight be imet. vaca will the 3aiowin tor a two-zuontls' and Helen Mrs. Baldwin lun Montreal before going to,