Benofit on Roof 1~ i Summer res-idents and ýguests, of the north shor'eare cordially invited to attend the Annual Summer party given by the Sisterbood of the North, Sbore Congregation Israël -in Glencoe. This. year the affair is to be a ýsummier 'odessert IbridgO ýand keno party on the roof of the Orrington; hotel in IEvanston. Tuesday, -August. 4, at 1:30' o'clock. Proceeds are to ýfurther the work of thé Sisterhood ini its philanthropic activities. Charitable dishursements are a large part of, and 'thie m'ny , agence e iyvtg Sisterhood support wil materially and directly benefit-rom the money raised in this manmot. .Mrs. William B. Berger of Wilmette la general chairman of the ways and means committee, and Mns. committee on arrangements. Mrs. Herbent Levy of Glencoe is president Mv.E. A. Zlmmwrmem Koehne M.M. B.Kennedy Bernie Photo bM .DWigbt C. Orcutt Toloff Photo 'M. H. Grauer of Glencoe heads the of the Sistenhood. compasy have been&apjpointed, two of Véom are Chairmen 01 village co,,mittees for tise.Chicago City Opera Mr$. Dwvight C. Orcutt j, chufrmns< for pictutredt ere. Mrs. Rtiward 4. Zimmerman issin chaerge for Wulmette. Mfrs. Orcutts abs*ence. Mrs. M. B. during tem pro GPencoe, with Mrs. Walter C. Hughes acting chairmanajinouxcement 21 resf>onofthtie ap/pointment uw made tie Kennedy o! Winnetka, hostess ut thse recent tee et u'hich subscriptiont andi funti thse of secretary itoi, sible for obtaining thse cheirmen, zuho tuere subsequently e> froved by Anna commniftee for the opera anti former op'era star. wc pla More Enf.rlaining We.k for Jane Burili . The, wedding of Miss Dorothy entre co is -s, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Iichl, rty-five ,well G. 1. Bichi, 1108 Chestnut avenue, sU a ýure tO ins Wilmette, to John William Desmond, party. son of Mrs. Elizabeth Desmond of Yonkens, N. Y., wil be solemnized next Mosiday monning at 10:30 o'clock at St. Francis Xavier chunch, This ,con- A review of Donald Ross Peattie's "Singing in the Wildcrness" will provide a different but enjoyable program for. the Northi Shore Garden center at the meeting te be held at 10:30 Tuesday morning, july 28, at Winnetka Community House. Mrs. Frederick Fisher will be the re- The North Shore Friends of Chicago junior school will meet at the. summer home of Mrs. Porter F~ox, Foxwod farm, St. Charles, El., on Monday, July 27, at 12 o'clock. A delicious luncheon of fried chicken will be served. -Mns. Foxc will- be assisted by- the IV .ffowsou anston, fornersy a resi mnette, entertained it lu bridge on Monday in h on and c f, her ty Ga. a, anda ns. A. E. tain at di and Mns. in honort iversary. joint;,. San-.