Trhere hospmitis1 a religion sud die chicoes as bora Ir. way of righteousness is lite, and i of 'Photography sponsored each year the patbway thereof there is no0 y the Chicago Camera club. These shows ivili run until September 2.3,. death" (Prov. 12 28). The lesson-sermon also included nAtsaEIii Seventeen Chicago artists are repthe following passages. from the the former exhibit which; reseuîted'in "Science textbook, Science Christian cdetlyacosarlyrsa andt'Heàlth with Key to the Scrip tures," by, Mary Baker Eddy,,"Ignor- opportunity of seeing, a variety of In landsçapes 0 tner the step- style and. techinique. ance of:,God is no ping-stone to- faith. The onty guaran-, alone, for instance,ý there are painttee'-of obedience. is a right' by the following. distinguished o knowartists: Chartes'P. Kiligore, Rudolph fe eHa whom laîhens Ingerle, _Kart A. Buehr, 'Edgar ueetrna" Prf. VI). arihtis Cameron, 'Pa uline Palmer, and Dale i ocomplêoerost. ao on youir vacation: 60 mi*les, of meandejring wooded shores. Modern lodge and cottages with innerspring mat-I tresse. Lovely farnishings. Central dining room. Excellent-9 liole golf course. on estate. Tennis courts,, good beach. shetland ponies for the youngstcrs. W*onderful fishing. An idéal place to bring the whole fam.ily. Obly 420 miles fromn Chicago over route 12 and 46,-via,-Baldwin. Will give Chicagorfrecs No liquor. Enjoy'contented sleep among tie pines and balsams-and just marvelous food. Ou Motor isti Join in e wimiferent J. A. STEEPE. hep. rfte for Iol4er btdosakeo., Wisconsln EASTJNGS (IAJP FOB GIRLS Everything to assure a perfect summer! And a worry-free vacation for parents, too, because of the carefully chosen, thoroughly experienced college-trained counselors; and safe, reliable camp supervision. Swimniing, bôating and canoeing, pony riding - ail the sports girls énjoy rnost. Creative drama and dancing, arch-, treatments artists utilize An ubcsh' fiue th figuresasubjects seewrsb :to able 'are illinhunred bousnd isitors One tw motorists baive joined Standard Oil's Oskar Gross, Juijus' Moessel, A. J. mileage test in 14. states, ,it was an- Haugseth, and.Nicola Ziroli. The nounced this week by Edward G. mefiticulous work oéf Zsissly is, seen Seubert,. president of Standard Oui among the stilt life paintings. Among moderms aire ivorks of Fitzi company of Indianta.i[the' The test opened May 1, and july 5,' Brod, Hubert Ropp, and Julia Thecta. was the last day for entrance. Par- Three other artists whose works are ticipants who entered the cOntest sbown are joseph Vavak, Elise Donthe final day have until11, September 18 aldson and .Carl Werntz. Mr. Werntz to send in their records and their bas been traveling ail over the globe comanents on their experience in1 in tbe past few years and the draw"learning the truth' about gasoline ings and sketches be tmade on these ;ourneys are cisplayed. This summileage." Cash prizes totalling $5,000 and: mer' exhibition is held i the East 500 merchandise awards are to be 'Wing galleries, Nichols. Then, for stud y of the dif- ieagelet 1pitnsoof S. 1 Clompany' Oné mTestonaintings resented to those who submit the .......... om ML<.. ic I ject. .Twenty-eight dilterent' councompleteness ofth ýe report will 'be an] tries submitted works for this eximportant factor. hibit. The jury in this case had seventeen hundred photographs from which to make their selection. 0f estine Leaders to these over two hundred and fifty Attend N. S. Seminarý were selected for the exhibit. The Enzo Sereni. world, Hechalutzj latest developments in color photography can be seen in th exhibit and perhaps in its best form as these remain until August 1. 0j 'I--- 425 irving Park BIvd. 1070 Mrs. J. S. Clime, 304 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, bas as her- bouse guest for the entire summer, Mrs. L. A. Torrens of New, York. City'. Mrs. Carl Batter, 157 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, with her daughteÉ, jane, and John Woodhead, arc miotoring east to ývisit Mrs. Carl J. Batter Of Glendale, Long Island.