Parti'cular stress. is. laid byPresident Smnitb on7the emptying of- "heels" from pipes._ "Pipe heels"S cause more fire: than anythiùg else, he explains. Motorists are asked not to tbrow lighted materials fromi cars, along the' ase *the grass shoulders highas are, exceedingly* dry -and .easily- inflamalhle. "Fire is thé greatest enemyr of the forests, and destroys flot only young vegetation.1 but alsomassive etrees Iecatise of thé ruino;wrought to prothe tÏruding roots," he warns. . I ,cient of ire in the:forest. preserves, President Smiithasks the cooperation oi the 'public by phoning general headquarte's, Rivr Forest, . Th nurnbers are: Cohumbus 840 and F~orest 4470, or the nearest CCC carm. BRAUCH tu Tbe Muff SLUMRSO Stre UNÎvtII 2820 . SHËeRbMAN AVENUE AT GROVË STREET, EVANSTON mus Mary Joue Burneti, oung-8 est dotighter of Mrs. Henry C. BurIffit, 742 Vernon az'enue, Glencoei zL'G5 this ueek aumarded a corn>etitwve frsrn .cholarship at Sueet BrÏar 'yOq 10 c à t C.N 1 ft' s'r' : college, Su-eet Brir, Va. r/we. Tvo Wilmette Boys Are Rescued by Coast Guard Richard Anderson, 701 Forest avenue, Wilmette, owner of the catboat "V7iking," and his passenger, Richard Wilson, '507 Lake avenue.! Wilmette. were rescued tast Sunday off the mouth of Wilmette barbor by coast guardsmen, when the boat caps ized in the choppy.water. scholawship is owoaded. nuailY to six girls outside of thes aoe o gietia opt the basis of comf'etitit'e e:iamtinetion, scholastNc record, and activitiem. Miss 1Burnett, who was gradisated rom, New Trier High school this june, was active in dramnatics and a member of the New -Trier News staff. At Sweet Briar she will major in English and who were starting out on a vacation trip> around the lake, lost cothing as %vellas $40 in cash. A sailing canoe, of which A. C.' Tisdelle.. 819 Gaffield place, Evanston, was the oniy occupant, capsized, Thursday of fast week off Wilmette barbor. Tisdelle was picked up by coastgtiardsmen. w ind fast Saturday ngh. i neLwIF toôf admissions, Princeoni univer-, sity, has informed three Kenilworth boys of their admission to the Fresh- mati class of Princeton university this fail. They are Hugh E. Petersen, .222 Cumberland road; Robert Cutier, 207 Woodstock avenue, ad Landon Taylor, 244 Cumnor road. [n their College board entrance examinations. Petersen gained "honore~ A New LengrA in .Mrs. Sumner Sollitt, 329 Sheridan road, Kenilworth,, left on TuesdaY with ber three children, Suminer, jr., SaIly, and Arthur * to spend the bal- Frank M. Gordon of ýCb the guests of Mr.' ance of the summer at their f armn their summer home. near South Haven, ,Mich. Iwere. I I