1 eMISSION, HIS. -. . pdf aube Ofdlg ~ il ~ equ t.ea&0 paile. ie 6. dldM.W dfArabic'on u.ld = ~h~lIihuSSi .1 48 &Wo M p.âgé -mm; &M, te ptusfl s uh«oohyý hued m 111 'j analyzed chapter oy gruver"iiiv as il ~". U C.M..%-State Riglits" to cisapter, witb a view of determining to,,siders thse "doctrine ofto progress." He whait degree 'the New Deal represents have been "a barrier ail would. be tisat belief thse Secretary .Wallaces political-econonhic expresses would'broadly Court Supreme the if jwell pbulosoî*y. While the Sec retary of Agr iculture is jinterpre t the Constitution -by placiiig Specific: Provinot the officiai spokesman. of the -New. the, preaible, above aiy itself. document tise in. sion the in 1 D)eal, we naturally expecitôt find so writing of one of itshigheëst rankinllg j._But the Supreme Court bas nôt dless Regar officiais thse view point of tie. Administra- Iinterpreted thse Constitution. rigid ortion of which lie. les 'a eading part. We of weather' one believes ini a coeîstrmnothing alibeal'interp>retati, Cabi a by naturaIly expect that a boolk acopise yttcigtise 1et meniber, who sits at thse couniltbeiel is to dewitb the President, wifl throw some Court. Sucis attacks only seve ansitu" confidenetin public stroy file liglit on the undefined objectivesiof New Deal. Fron t we seek to learn tioli vital to thse Amurican deaocraxy. famied thse - announced plan of tise adiinis- They only serve to avoid thse issue is. issue The decision& Court's tration if -ituhould be continued for1 by thse or right was Court thse whether not another four yru .p thr h therth t wrong. it M n Jesa. m paw.i e majr 'The titli toef-"Whms Constitution" desire to amend uheir Constitution sa w -is an invitig ote. Thse subiect la one that the' administration rga, S qdmtant-aUyheM in-m ofi*tied i,* of *eimorhw iogn. With au unusually largee mber proceed in an orderly fauhion as, the lof laws declared unconstittational by the peope woudd wUi it. hidm.~Js 1 wt Supresue Court, thse American people arej correctly thse Secretary's interpret Ve-1I anious to know, andc should icnow, *cisely how thse New Deal proposes tot political philoeaphy as set forth, in bis lis answer to thse question' methsition.rmeCur1etaidnew book, 1 "Whose Constitution" is that it beloeags' Wisen teSpeeCutstaie speciic 'the NRA aud thse AAA as contrary ti to thsepeople as a wbole at any fundausentai law of thse land, it de- moment in our historY. That la to say, stroyed wbat thse Administration itself 'the Secretary believes that tise Constituconsidered to be thse two piliars in its tion beiongs solely to thse living genera- read and!re-read, Ithse Fthe rly indicates thae' Admnmtration's rviction that national stabiity desd a centralizeci goversiment at shington. Inasmucis as tise Supreie, rt persistaini upholding "state riglits*' lias made a close distinctionbew n rastate" and "interstate" commerce, logic of tise situ~ation sisould bring administration to thse concrete recinesidation of an amndment to thse tul)!. bave always Leen whicis las our-..' of tisat consideroci as trutee selves We banded down andc as custodian of that which ivili be isanded on. To say that tise Constitution belongs solely to tise living generation is to say that Dmi wonld be wiiling to bave our heritage. spent and our future mngaged zsqoy to satisfy tise popular will of thse ment. I!W Vilue recognizing changes in coiidi- Lucie miss Adelaide Franklin, 330 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, Çhamnpaign, bouse party, Ill., last week. for a motored to 'urnam Wilmiette at at Lake homne summer ot Geneva.