ItialaIuys comftrtabiy coolino our air conditioned ah.> Point Scoe Race Nqo.,6 :-the fleets' second. twillght race-e afled at 8 p.m. Thursday -1,01Y 16. Triangular course.of four milei. Bih .Park ln Slver Hlnd....... 00:56:45 P. Wilson lu Moby Dick.....00:59:00 Hansen Bros, ln Krlstina .. 00:69 :05 Jobansen ilu Gitulator......01:0:20 Jorgfeldt ln Hussy........ .. 01:07:-0.0 01:.16:30 Tom Llvýely ln Bob-lt ......... Llght to ffesh northrly wlnds, moderately c'hoppy sea.11. I Sunday's. races were salled ln very heavy seas wlth great drifts to Ieewvard and winds varylng from hIlght norther!ler. and northeastti to north and to fresh strông wlnds at tlmes, very bafling ,Irenoe conditioan ln tina. In aadton ne nas ;ust :aken the first threç, straight in a row of the week's point-score-races. Point-score races-nine.,and ten wliW be, run' Sunday morning atý 10:30 o'clock* and ïnu the afternoon at :2:30 o'clock. FINAL ULEbSE*UT ÔF ALL SUMMER '& SPRING APPAREL CuoiroN. DRESSES form erIy çoid tram $750 ta $17-50 $500 95 SILKS ~Ethea fteprn $10O' $16.., 975 -k ln rS ver itina orgfeldt ln. Hussy .... . *. . 1-! nMfl lu krtstina ...... 1:: mian lu Moby Dlck . 1. ýohansen in Gladiator .. 2.1 ln Xralre........... .. 2:, mon Race starting at 2:15 round the trianunar cour k ln Silver Hlnd 1.: ien lu Krlstlna ..... i1 nan ln Moby Dlek , -ý..,1: 1: * .PASTEL tormerIy sold tram $17-50 ta $29-75 $1 O'~ formerly sold tram $17.50 ta $65, An Exhibition of Modern European Posters is now on view in the East '-Wing Galleries of the Chicago Art Institute, said to be one of the most colorful and exciting showings seen in xuany a summer. The exhibit will remain until August 16. Posters f romn artists of France, England, $1 O'5 to $1500 cenr, tury.