As Iiffle es 1/4 L. ryo «t façh place. V2a lb.4 For 2 tables o ON SAt E ATx.. Il of Dinner andi 40 Lys.. Phoieuucye Rdge Ave. Plmracy uleg.. SmduC e Lyumuà-E.m.ckir pbhnncy...... 'Authorized Double Kay Dealers PATRIONIZE OUR -ADVERTISERSý T 'hes hé cou tat d : in ot h ghyear w it n that uu a zzt -. iiib a-.... iàgrandlmother ao pioneer lothigi-manship "'m hsitte: TheScot brow.would respect. ouresin the pioneer arts were * Wo wrote out folk-songs? Sou ladrsbeam asked the. counselor. *H1igbbhrows ean Girl -Sot.laes giveu. i,i wood, Mlore likely-pea.sants. sàilors. simple seio .hapywrke'rs people who could hardly reëad. Poetry clay, leather, metals, and other basic is of i s ailke ur bôodandmaterials. She said: "Uiiless I1 can something beautif ul of my own bous.make i.N rfsa "Can this be Tr" asked 'the Scout'dsg.Iwut< icak. later as she beard the laniguage sing, mr uem u irre feit the click vhich cornes when a .she~ett to Jearn what fellow-craftsmen1 have hune is -good. The Scouts verse niade'the sbiiingldoue and. are- doing. lIu dreaming mtmae, lo moments. she -sorted over 'ler memoo word potrymoe only to its author, but to fellow-risfpltfosiecfrmbr camier ~vo hd hard wth erthe! fornis or whatever. Fromn these ýthe witch-lighted landscape. A- musicaldeinobrwrkmtspiga rmmee *girl 'Made a melody, to go with it. begomsragfon tuly s moment of intense experience. ws a Itolk-ongjustas cuscniudii13 iTeGr songs collected ini books. hi nui tiefrqaivi Girl Scouts ofteil write well be- I t cause their lives are f ull of seeing. %vitbout sacrifice of its impromptu, tnlling,. feelfig* and dis-carefree joy. Iu the 'nationlIcamps 11 stfg edr ilsaitec covery to the point of overflow. Aadeswhr d girl learns to be a glassblower, acts acndued sinregirl ng paedieas in a play.exeimns with televisio1.n.iments. acted as judges in sougconere ra hrss agi watches a battle of the ants. Then tss etr to tune in their radios on symphouy wrssamlikebési rkwsbgnnane home or stories for the troop paper.coers Camp memior% books and Mr- Girl Scout songbook containing folk tir'logs! Guilds of young artists music from foreign countries and naand craftsmien worked together on 'tive American Indian, Negro and theml last vear. Out of vigorous firsi- inîountain songs. band adventure sprang honest poeThe Scout once thought ot artîIt% m~s o e INdlercoloU; UI, yIgrapti.s, amuinI to which site fas access and of wntcn. lise is a part. maps. (You cani find anyvtbiiing Somnetirnes, also, a behavior maladthese maps fron a river to a rabbit. from an island to a heron's nest.) ;ustment disappears. anid inito a conGirl Scout bookbinders and designers fused personal wvor1d corne clues to of covers anid decorative papers fin- a vocation. or values to livre by. ished the work. <To be. contiîiued) 291/2½C Dr. W. W. F Injuired Dr. W. W. Ha --0A.. M, Brereton, 1301 Miss Constance Roberts of Eng'their daugh- land, who bas been visiting with 'ber -y, at the Joy camps, sister, Mrs. B. N. Cox, 1116 Elmwood s., last week-end, avenue, sailed recently for home. ,visited