summer sessions at ship :Higb schooL. Major« job is the finishing of the new indoor swimming pool, sehedul-r ed to be openied soon after* the béginning of, the fail semester. The, new ,natatorium will be 75 feet long by -60': feet wide, or exactly three times tbe size of. the. present tank, Aceurate prescriptions mean health; and ln sorne caizes lite, #andour bonor andiIntegrity are dependent upon the utmost care belng taken ln the fflhng of your prescription..Iust phone uns.. we wlll oeil for. ilii and deliver your prescription ait no added coat. reasohablepriee. quate for the school's needs. Modern in every respect, thr pool, VAich may be. reacbed-throughl four different sets of, sbower 'rooms, .1I have a- maximum depth* of 12,' feet. There wiIl be six spring-boards, two higb and four Iow, along the deeper end. which create havoc with sound ini a large hall may be eliminated as inuch which bhas long proved to. be inade-. IBRICK: les. MEAN s aqSeh Stvdlay betwSemOrag. and Pinapph. Swiss liakCh«oolt. Quart PACKAGE: Freé PsuceL Ensign Arthur M. Pefrsi, U. S. N. R. Flying Corps and Mrs.-Peters spent icteral days last uteek with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Peters, 1519 Washington avenune, Wilrnette, opi their uray ta Pensacola, w$k àiionedt I ALOESICov J. 5. SEYLZIt ~PALOXHR si» 39.1 In or4er. 4hat the, usual oclia>es Ensign Peters bas the Naval Base in S; have been covered with sound-dead-, past fine nionths and ening material. in the Fleet maneuver as possible the ceiling and the walls In a simijlar way, every 'effort bas South America, bas been made to avoid lighting glare, Pensacola as an instri the illumination, including submarine, Air Port. Ensiiwn Pei being of thé indirect variety. Another feature of the new pooli NEALDARAINVALUES Miss Mary Warriner and John %Va use of competing teams. Other jobs being completed around iner of Mt. Pleasant, Mich, visitq the school, under the direction of them ecently. Robert L. F. Biesenieier, superintendent of buildings and grountl,, include the renovation of the tennis W* wA icosmo"uma U3 Mr* and Mrs. C. A. Wheeler' of 2 About 2,200 spectators, rougbly equal to the entire student popula-. Wood court spent several day. tt tion of the school will be accomodat- week visiting Mrs. Wheeler's brotht ed ini the balconies. In addition, Moht Kincard, at Farmer City, 1 there will be small alcoires for the Mr. Wheeler's niece and nephe, iD. k.e.......... ....... Prophyactie tooth browI ....... 39e Dr. W.ts' tooth bm'ush 2C tube).)......... .. 3 for .Oc tabhetosM .... 9 Thne new accoustical treatment wilI 1j- reduce the noise considerably, it .i boped.b> Note: Economy ShQp ix conducted the Wornan'H, Club of Wilmette. 1908