Drainage Canal in r.vanston anau Wilmette, have been pondering over the profound subject >as to why people. *do not piaY golf -soearly in the iniorn-. ingon undysas they were wont to do in. days. gone by Managinïg Director William L. McGoodwin, at a meeting of tbe. board of directors, called attention to the fact that, a few years' ago people gathered at the starter's bouse as early at 5 :30 a. m. waiting for day-light se that tbey could begin playing. He told the directors that now very1 few assemble before 8, 'clock.. Mr. McGoodwin believes that this 15. the casewitb almost al'golf courses. At the meeting, therefore, therewas considerable 'discussion as to wbat was the cause. Times Have Changd Treasurer Jamtes F. Leahy of the Community association clainied that times and customs bave changed. Hie believes that with prohibition repealed there are more cocktail parties on Saturday nigbts, more people going to night clubs, and therefore as a general mile golf players are accustomed to sleep longer Sunday inornings instead of getting out on the golf links. from 2 Wt4 . m. Dr. Noel Shaw, pediatrician, is'in, charge.. Mrs. J. D.Kinnear, .chairman of the; Wilmette Hlealtb. Center board, left Mondayi, July. 6, for. Montreal where she is sailing JuIy. 16 on the S. S. Montrose for-a, summer in Europe. Mrs. Kinn ear -is being accomxpaniedby ber son, Kenneth. Mrs. George Scberzer, who. is vice-chair-nian. of thé Wilmiette Health Ceniter board, will act as chairman of the board In !Mrs.'Kinnear's absence. june ýreport of the éommüunity nurse, Mrs. Inez C. Bliss. .. We hate te) think about illness ini sun»Tmer. It's a happy tirne for fun-but Illness is no respector of seasons. It. does corne -in summier too., And when your doctor wrltes a prescription, he la strivlng wlh ail. his skill to mnake bis patient well again-and out Into the sumimer sUn. And by bringing that orescrip", tion to one of .our'Stores,*e add our bit to lits efforts. We compoundý the prescription promptly and 'aôcurately, enIploying fresh and potent drugs. LC.Cald 60e Aika Seltze ... c 201 Number of calîs made....... ...... Telephone calls made by the nurse 359 Numuber of interviews at the Ilealth1 .37 (Jenter ........................ 23 Patients attending chest cllnie ...... »sies attend4ig Infant Wel<ae 23 clînie ......................... Patients attending dental clnles ... 24 Persons referred to private physicians 68 Persons. referred to private dentists..112 .... Persons referred to hospitals Nozzenia ecffm...... Mrs. Barl L. Hart la Back From Motor Trip ayenue returned Tuesday from - Mrs. Eari L. Hart of 1211 Ashland at! pmowder..................... a FExperimeat directors concluded and appeal to the sleepy players. Acdecided to establish cents on Sunday 50 of fee a green mornings, provided players start before 7 o'clock and an additional fee of 25 cents is charged for a subsequent round. Twy au Therefore tbe to experiment pocketbooks of cordingly, tbey rg. Jesse E. Gree fis sister, 1% an extensivg motor trip tbroi east. They spent a weeki in Boston, visitc York, a wec ýk Codi, CapeJ Lime, went up to Woods. N. H., and to.ured1 rhey took the Vermont. h..Albanv and vif HOM E MS 50e Ipana Tooth Paste 39c 60e Bromo S.Ite .... 49C SECIALS 40ce CoIgate's Shaving ýce m ........ 37c 39c 0..... 9 $.001 Lavons.....-.79c ....... 75e Ust.ried Rst.biIsh4*