,andi Miss Mchon., IWidely SAÀL g Shop 521 Park Dr. 332 KenL of percharin lier lier stry, her intellect, known for 'great artknowlintimate forilber sonality, end edge a dcmrhension of Bacl's _________work,. 'the aditoriu sponsors eachyari Trier .Higli school, .ttests Iof. New popularity, hier muùsicianship. -bher Revives Imtw. la. Bach H continued reap-. north shore. Ier pearance as one of the intennationally distunguished artists preseuted by the cmittéee f the' WinArtist-Rect neka Muic club in the 'Seriesý it Myra Hess is a favorite, on, the P :- - Hot Weather Sp ecial, SHAMPOO J with every finge wave Finger Vives 50c iIaguIea $7.50 Wave, complet. wlth ... Shafm o. andi F l er W........ .. . Miss Hess is noted for miany: achievements ini musical art wlierever the piano is played and. music loved. Probahly the most outstandiing factor in lier career, is this previolisly meI17tioned "fintimiate knowledge and coinpreheiision of Bacli's works," which has enabed ber to revive interest ini these masterpieces everyliere, but *MACH INELESS PERMANENTS $ Services Today for Ruth Bower Surpless Hes *M7ra Funeral services are being held this afternoon (Tliursday) at 2 o'clock at the Scott chapel, 1118 one reviewer, who also wisely conGreenleaf avenue, for Mrs. James L. cluded that "true pianistic art does (Ruth Bower) _who passed not consist in playing the greatest. number of notes ini the shortest pos- Ferrell Bea uty Salon Open Tl.orsday Evenings by Appointment Wilmnet 2066 1105 Centrgl Ave. -Surpless our famous I!IIL~'~FOUINTAUN F Fr id ay and' Saturday IO our famous 3 dockcer $All of selection VYont own .ý1o Iwhpcream sodas ... b....L candi«. credited the for-emost .woman pianist the Abacadabra club in that dhurci. of Our time. .She was the first president of the Wliat every lover of the piano as Junior auxiliary of the Woman's an instrument of artistic expression Club of Wilmette and later served en lias always appreciated most is the the senior board. She .was also a latent pianistic quality which none. m~merof the. Evanston junior but the elect is able to awaken and which, to a very appreciable degree, Sis -survived by ber liusband, Miss Hess sets forth with. great s L. Surpless. of 1041 Ailn clarity, transparency, and beauty. ames, an~d ai nil ie, lier son, Ja son, and by lier fatlier and1 5140f rMAiàNN ShvauA»e.,Eva.stu 173 L5C GRE. s181 Il: Mumps, à; wlio cases for thie m '1gcougli, a week or two wt IMrs. Walter Ridet. wiI1 spend v's miother,