Fae.*MamusSuit In the pending suit J. Edwin DenipseE lward R. Bagley and the Pure Qil Producti company seek to mandamus. the Village to issue a permit for the construction, of a gasoline filling station at the* location ' mentiôned'above, wbhich às in a commercial zone, while the *zoning ordisiance classifies. filling stations as induistrial. However, it was' stated, the: courts .have established the practice of determininig each case. on the basis of îts own merits, its locato;tetp ~of -surrounding developnientg. and Jewish Group Plans the probable effect upon residential Semîiar and Outîing sections in, close pro ximity., AIl of' On Saturday, August 8, and Sunthese phases, were, discussed, but n,0 day, August 9,. the League for Labor course of action was decided-upon. Pale stine of-. Chicago will 'hold a week-end, seminar and outing.' InExpI*t, New Ordinaae The question of rewriting the zoni- formalitv.will. be the keynote.' Dising ordinance ïn an effort. to pro- cussions, music and a social atmosduce a measure that will stand up in phere will be intermixed. Among the, court and whikh Vilage officiais can tôýpics,ýto be discussed are:'1"The Con~consistently and successfully défend, temporary Jewish Scene," "Arabiccarne in for considérable attention. Jewish Relations," "The Histadruth," The Zoning commission has been for -WVhv a League For Labor Palessome time engaged in a study of theý tine?ýý" present ordinance as it applies to This seminar will be held at the certain situations which have giveîn North Shore Congregation temple in the authorities muich trouble, and in Glencoe. a survey of the locations ard surrouindings of properties the owners. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Proft. :2120 of which take exception to the reavenuie. announce the WVashinzotn strictions now in force. It is antici-, Lois Wehn of Seattle, president; Mrs. Beatrice Locke of Portland, Ore., vice-president, and Miss AliceKameran of Detroit, treasurer. Miss Helen Driver of Mobile, Ala., and Mrs. C. J. Shrier of,-Madison, who were, in college. with Mrs-. Me-' Kýinneyat the University of Wisconsin, were in town and attended, the meeting as guests of Mrs.Mcnn. Mrs.iGQ L. jacobi of Tower road,, Winnetka, wiIl be the hostess, in AugUst. The. hif of the. season. Th.y cone -in kno. I.ngth or fuit l.ngth with Eton jacket. Sheer for coolness; tri-rib for b.auty; eaýsytfo wash. No fronimig. Pastel shades. $1.ýeg5 Wasrh FRQCKS. A* new shipment of summer sheers, Bister crepes, doft.d Swiss or' batistes. Knocka bout cottons thatare indispensable to your summer wardrobe. FOR HOT WEATHERK $1.29 Cali WiImtt l 148 WiImote Avenue 58 Cousider "Buffer Zones" angle of the prohlem discussed pertains to the so-called "buffer zones," by means of which depreciate.d properties adjacent to commercial centers might be created wherein two-apartment bulidings of acceptable architectural design would bc permitted, thus avoiding sharp lines of deniarcation between the Scommercial and strictly single famly residence. sections. This is lonked -Another Soda at Peacock's THANK- YOU. .Wilmette Residents We w ish to thank ou' many frîinds who greeted us so gerlerously on the occasion of our opening last week. Thai Trhe Perf oct Ice Creain, with your choice of f resh fruit Ilavors r. ,roceI *1 Miss (S..m's Place> antrd Cenra S Avenue ÀL ÀL 1148 Central Avenue. Phone Wilmette .3535 1ý 1 ÀL ÀL ÀL