th . .. . . .. . . $438,397 $1,787,142 j: $30 and up. A1oo other mak)es. RIGBRATION< CO. SHO1R NORTH FOR SL~ISE~O _tn Over 40Yer reenbleaf WInu. 671 __7ALTrN10 1080I 1tC 1651 Maple Ave., Uval'. 530 Davis $L., Eva 129L.TN74tp BILLIARD TABLE0. CONDITION. COST $200 PERFECT IN RIDFRI0. LB. 150 ' SYPHON BOUN frl $60, jneluding entireý acrfi Wil, Clark .ewel stove- burners, 3 oVels.. equtpment., phonëo GlëeQO 1075. goodcondiAU machine. sewing White tion and cheap. Winnetka 2076. 4AL FOU:t SALE--2 AQUARIUjýMSr, tropical fIsh, and 10 Gal. cap., '85value, REAL ESTATE LOANS ideal for FOR SALE-FRIGIDAIRE planits, 1igte, etc. $25 -phone Winnetka box ,and' detached unit. Tee .'50. and $2.50 SOLICITED glft., B»RKRCOO)p]RATION $20 131LT10-Itp 3183.* Wil-mette 4350 A.B.C rATRS, 1580 siffRMI<,AVUINUE 129LTNIO-ItP 2 MOT WA'1ER and, 60 galon tank. Ruud LN heater oil IANSTON, LATE MODEL IHOOVER WITH AT- gas heater and, 60 gallo tank., Wi' 131L10ltP 9$2.Cnrl11 TACHMENTS, pERF. COND., CHEAP.: netka 3607. Davis 22333W Also several articles of furniture. RM Winnetka 269. TYPEWRITS-OLIVER AND fiat top, 129L,10-ltp desk-roll oak Solid Ingtofl. top. ý50-gaI. oil tank, hand 0il PuffPl. 13LT10.tP COMPL.ETE.,FURNISHINGS Phone Wilmette 2377. LOANSZ ON NORTH SHORE HOMIES. 0p 10 RtOOM HOME A. jA COB-, COnVnf' .Borrow up to 60% of value. over à tO MODERN AND ANTIQUE 2 POWER.:LAWN MOWERS Ideal witb an 245 and Wilmette model acre onlY. 4 lent monthly repayment plan Institution. son appt. by Shown 129LTN10-1te large rollers. Good condition. PavliI< 15 years. Deal with a local Federal 13ILTN1O-ltp Fu11 details by inquiry at Firsit of Bros., Kenilworth 5472. FOR SALE WilSavings and Loan Association 044 pleces of. I19siAilQ14 Euniture met.IeMr,,C14tW1), seretr~y,1126 Centank. Wintral Avenue, Wilmette 80.Ot Wil. 1184 gas heater and 60-gallon A tý12 Lake AveAS 13ILTN18-ltlP Ave.129LTN1O-ItlP netka 3607. LEONARD ICE BOX WTD. 10 UY~MUCLLANOUSporcelain llned, perfect FOR 100-lb. capacity,$11. WE HAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE Bee-Vac vacuum condition. and reeldences on coneervative loins in cleaner. $8. Glencoe 1005. 129LTI-tPi incomue property. 4%% to 6% intereet EVEN DOLHALVES, QUARTERS, home-in the your around lylflg &toile yeare. Promnpt service and modlars SMALL FOR SALE: clothes etc. 014 rags, papere. forin of COONLEY Records Show B utIdingHolds to Steady Pace Keck. MNason, North Shore Constructionj companyi, Builder, G.: W.> Lind- (Continued from page4) HOMELOANSý FIRST MOR1TGAGES Money the Corners &C o.ý joseph C. Cormack University 3353 1569 Shernman Avenue 127A-LTN26-tfc etka 'WILMETTE 5426 Junk Dealer-Goldmafl WINýET" strom. june 23-A-. W.- Weil, 3500 Forest residence, family single avenue, Horwitz. .R. $500 rhiet Masoti. A., j.XWeil. Builder, Adolph Salmen.i K.-Hedglin, 1421 Forest June.2 4 avenue, residence alteration, $100. G. C. Roeddiger, 1261 June 26Twetnty-firSt street,' sinigle farnily resideilc. $12,000. Architect, C. \V. Lampe and compati.. Mason, F. Atkinison. Plumber, W. B. Lucke. July 7-Robert Ferguson, 1704 \Vilmette avenue, single familv residenice, Architect, Louis Garvey. $9,000. Mason, Federal Builders. Peter A. Mortcnsen, 1936 July 7single family resiavenue, Greenwood dence, $9,00- Architect, C. P. Ran48 SOM. Masonl, Steel Housing cor- 742Cute, 14 OatrEvneon _______1004-6 Ui. Ijito 32226 132LTN3-tfe Emerson St., Evaniston iv- - 1 WANTE, or moi Skokie1 In San enialli nc Shore or MEN'S & for equity RUGS. STOVES. etc. Phono clcthing, shoes, .10w with 13 0103. tte1980. [.TN10-te 6F, FEE T WE BUY FURNII G paper and magazines, ragse.$1 Per and more apparent ini the next two tubs and a bath132LTN9-4tp buy furn,' 100 Ib. Alec 1744. llmette W . o 'S old years that real estate is a safe iniy rn that time it will bc Pop-1H1 Schuman SJunkH Dealer-Phil E S T MARKET PRICES FOR j uIN 14-L.ucinda Hardman, 407 'Mapl-e avenue, residence al terationç,, $750. Plumber, F. Nelson. tp North Shore Junk Dealer FOR ALL - - and ular to buy and to own real estate be wilI =HIGHEST PRICES PAID impetus speculative the then -Jkinds, of junk. Rage Si1 hundre& active. 12LTiS-4tp 3Wlnnetlca One of the most pronouiiced real vestment. At Cou WIL. te tbybe inore1 Atkins cottage.