Chief of the Pire Departmfent.. (b> Paper anld other readiiy flam, mable materiais shal flot be uned for decorative purposes ln any place of public assembly..unies. such matérials 'have, flrst been treated to render them flameproof to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Pire Departmeint. uVIT ARTICLE Violations,, £Oënlitine *Oidinanees and Date of Effect Sgection 42: Penalties for, VIolation, A person who shall vilate a ,provision of this ordinance or fail to comply, therewlth, or who shall violate or falito This house to bte built for Paul Ziegler on, Locuist ro ad. sou-th o! WilIovu road, Winnetka is to be a Mne 700#' comply with any order or, reg.ule4tion The first floor will have a liting rooni, dining rooni, library, kitchen, and lmo-car garage.- Thesecond structure. made thereunder, or who shall bulld in flooruiI ae eromon id's roomand thrre batkv.,R. . Travelletti, 208 W., AdaMs street, violation of a detailedl statement of plan Chitagqo, is the architect. subnlitted and approved thereunder, or of a permit issued thereunder, shgIl severahly for each« and everysuch violation There will 'be a full basement under and ngn-compliancee* forfeit and pay aà to exceed the suin of penalty ,not tbe bouse, with a play room lunder the twenty-flve dollars. The Imposition of a ' living roomn. The type of the bouse is pelialty for a violation of this ordinance sJaall. notexcuise the violtiUon, orj'perrni* gEài1y' Aineican of stone and Wood4 it to continue; and each day that such violation is permitted to exist shall conA new major branch office of Baird shingle exterior. The bouse will be stitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty and Warner, Inc., bas beer opened completely insulated, and will have winB>' Prederit'k A. Cooper' shiallflot be held to prevent the enfurced reinovai of prohibited conditions. at 101 South Oak Park avenue ini ter air-conditioniflg. Many fireplaces The tenant of today can well afSection 43': Validity. If any section will be a feature. Ail closets ini the ford to take a few minutes from bis company's the serve to Park Oak o! or part o! a section or paragraph Ordinanee is declared invalid or uncon- growing clientele ini the Oak Park- upstairs bedroomis bave been eliminated business or pleasure to meditate upon stitutional it shafl not be heid to invalihis immediate future so far as the to make room for wardrobes. date or impair the validity, force, or River Forest area, it was announced item of rent is concerned. effevt of any other section or sections or by Stewart B. Matthews, vice presiSometime very sooqfthtis inicreaspart of a section or paragraph of this or In stores wiu'uuL a permit frUJU the ýBair-d- Warner Open$' Office in Oak Park Under JWei IFIsker Hiigher Rents to Be1Big -Prohlem in Near Future * dent of the organization. operate to repeal any ouier ordinainces o! the Village except to: the. extent thaï any ordinances in' their entirety or parts o! any ordinances o!f the. Village may be in confiict berewith in .which case such conficting ordinances or con-i fliting parts of any ordinances are hereby repealed, provlded, however, that this Ordinance shall not be con-. Strued or, heid to repeal any, former nt-iinnn-., r nats f .CréInneess eight years bas been a member of less than a third ot whatt 15 customary the Baird and Warner organization. 1in the Uhited States. Taxable value He. served .as president of the FEv- of a property is based primarily on anston Real Estate board ini 1933 and the income value of the property. helped organize and develop the sub- This valuation takes into account ur ban real estate board council. At also the cost of construction. The present Mr. Fisher is serving on the income used ini arriving at the valuaboard of directors of tbe Illinois As- net income, after deducting a' sociation of Real Estate boards and fair amount for keeping tbe property gpoc condition. educational coin- in This is. chairnian of its taxable value, nfficiallv Teil- _ -l- acti M.-m- hotels until school closed. This -tal tbey'will join the throng of seekers for living quarters but'tbey are. gqing to find the going bard. New building is going abead at a slow rate. Only homes, are* being erected and nlot enougb of themn to overcome the lack of living quartersý space. Tbe bigb cost of. construction will prevent any building boom. After the war in 1923. the situation President or the -village of wiinmete. Attest: V.'illageC lerk..... ,Iassoci said tI ofi of tbc the r. in in M PUBLISHED on .A.11. 1936. the Oth day **l' use.