Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1936, p. 59

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sary. 1but fot less than twIe a yar in. premnises designated therein and shall thereon shall ho entered uipon the rocoutiying districts and four times a year be subjeet to inspectioin by any officer ords 0f' the department and a signel in the; closely built portions of the city, of the, fire 'or inolice depârtments.copy shall be, furniahed the applicant. ail buildings. premises. and public thorSeto- :I diio oteseii Section il: APproved Dovices, and oughfares, except the'Interlirs of pri- requirernents elsewhere -requie nti Materials. As used ln this ordlinance6 vate dwellings. for the. purposé of as-, ordinance :a-permit shail be' obtaned the word 'approvQed" as applied to decertaining and causing to be corrected from the chief of' the fire departmnent vices. or inaterials means acceptable to any conditions haâble to cause, fire, or for:the Chief of the Fire Department by any violations of the provisions or.ina.. Storage of calcium carbIde In ex- reason of having been tested land examtent of any ordîniance affecting the fire cess of one'hundred pounds.. îned by',hlm or by uome recogniued testhazard. b. Storage, of. hay, strawv, excior ing laboratory and found to be propely Section 3: Whenever ýany suüh oml- and other combustible ilbers lu excess or safeguardod agaInat lire haïard. cer or member shali find in any building one ton.ATCEI or upon any proemises or other place, c. 'Storage of corrosive acidlà in excess Flammuable LiOuis combustible or explosive*matter or dan-, of ten gallons* of eacb. kind. Section 12. Application. This*article gerous accumulation of rubbish 'or und. Storage of ehloratês or other oxi- applies to ail liquida havlng a flash point necessary accumulation of waste paper, diziîîg chemicals In exces s of 10 pounds. behow 187 degrées P. closed cuÛp tester. boxes, shavings, or any highly-fta-me. Storage or the 1handling of pyroxypoint shail ho as determinod m'able.materials, ani so situated as to lin -plastic in. excess of twenty, pounds The.flash by the Tagliabue closed cUp tester. endangeýrý property, or, shahi finid obunless wrapped or packed for sale. Section 13: Classification. For the structions to or on ftire escapes, stairs, f. Use-of statlonary acetylenie gener- pi ose of, this ordinance flammrable passageways, doors or, windows, hiable tors. liquidé are classiied,,as folhows: to inter7fere with the -operation of the g. Use of compressed gas froin cylin-* Class 1. Liquidé ha.ving a flash point fire departînent, or egireîe5 of, occupants, ders i excess of four bundred cubic behow 25 degrees F.,elosed cup tester. tnoasbe removed orreie salde. h sm 1et aggrgate -capacity. Exampies, éther, gasohine, naphtha,> and to',b rémved r- rnieded. The app>licaàtion' of palint. varnish Section .4: Such order snaîui ortn-1 orh. lacquer byspiray method or wlth dip bensol. Clasa 1IL Liquida having a flash point with be coniplied with b)y the owner or1 tanks andl oyens. abovo that., for Claus 1 and hohow 70 deoccuplanft(if suic~h iies or~buildings 1I. tie ,of refrigeration systemis con- grees F. chosed cup tester. Examples, subject t pelwthutet-Our taining ten pounds or more of refriger- alcohol and amyl acetato. hours to the President of the Village,1 ant material. Class 111. Liquida having a flash who shall within. ten days review such. j. The cleaning or drying of clothes point above that for ClasaI and behow order and file his deeision thereon, andl or other material with a Class I or Il 187ildegrées F. closed cup tester. Exaniunless the order is revoked or miodified 1fiamimable liquid. pies. kerosene and fuel ohl. it shall remain iu full force and be Such permits shall be based upon coin14: 1Pergits. A permit shall obeyed b,,. such owner or occupant. Any illiance with the regulations of the Na- beSection obtained from the Chiot of the Fire owner or occupant failing to comply tional Board of Pire Underwriters where Departuient for the storage or handlng with such order within two days after applicable. of flatumable liquidé in exceas of 1 galsaid appeal shall have been deterniined, Section j7: Before permits are issued Ion where auch: storage or handling ila or' if no appeal la taken, then within ten the Chief of the Fire Department shahl for the purpose sale, or for Use In days after the service of the said order, miake or cause to be ruade such. inspec- some business orofindustry. shaîl be liable to a penalty as herein- tions or tests as are necessary to assure Section 15: Approvals. Bofore anyý aftr tatd.that the provisions of this ordinance are fiamable liquid tank or piping la covThe service of any such ôrder shall be 'complied with. er4edrnfrom the Installation shalh made upon the occupant of the preruises i. Section 8: The; Chief of the Fire be inspeted alght. and approvoed by the Chief to whoui it is 'dlrected by either deliv- l Department ils hereby authôrized to r.- of the Flire Departulent Jsly 1, 198i te June 30, 19.M' * DISTRICT FUND Rereipts roome conrorming IQ section 19.sfty cana u» to 10 gallons in aime may- ho uaod, and lu garages and nmanutaetur ng plants the Chlef ef thie Pire Departmont May permit thie Use of approvod portable wheeled tanks where the nature of the business requirea such atorago. Storage systeina with arrangements for diacharging Class I liquida., Inaido ofý buildings shall havýe dîscharge outleta hocated only ln roouns .onôforming. to section 19. Section 18. Storage and- HandllnÉ ef Clasa il Liquida,,lu .Buildings.'.Clasa 1Il liquida ahaîl net ho kept Inaideet buildings excopt in aealed containers or ap proved aafety canaet not over 5 gallonscapacity each or In closod drums, barreIn or tanks. Containers of Clasm Il liquida of ovor 5 gallons capacity shal not ha uaod to lMIhithéer containers, lnaide of buildings. unleslu a room conformlng to Section 19. Setion 19 : Storage Rooms. ]Rooma for the storage and handling of flammaoble, lnJ4as, sail beconsatructed withwala, floora and ceilinga having a ire resiatance rà.ting. of not hess than 1 heur, provided tha.t whero ln the opinonh of the Chief of the Fire Department the hasard la more than Inodorate, baaed upon a consideration of the quantlty and nature of the liquida Involved snd the extent of mixing operationa togothor with the construction of the building and its exposures, construction having a lire résistance rating of not lesa than 2 hours shal horoquired. Door openings to the room shall ho equipped wlth approved aitomatic or soif -chosing lire doorsansd shahl have ailla raised at Ieast 6 ihches above the room floor. Statement of Finances of New Trior Towntship SéhooIs, Township 42, Range 13 in, Cook County, I111inota Front 353 739 203 $ 219,77 739 N'o. 03 88.33 53.10 00.00 Cash Balance o>n hand Junt '0, PC,15 Distribution of Trustees Distrct Taxation Tuition fees paid by pupils sale or rent of school .prop>erty Sale of Schooil Bonds Int. lus. Reimbursemnents, etc9,3.71,6.4 Tax Anticipation Warrants onHigh School Pupils.. Total.......... . $1,58,054.88 .... 221,770.:39 ,,663.801.635750010.,04157.675138 6,998.1u.135t4. 42992 » . $ 40,204.20. $16,056.65 508.10 10,171.91 $ 27,145.03 -3,263.65 . 110,500.20 20 $ 30,214.94 12,067.59 298,310.36 30,000.00.650 0.0167 02.0 77478165.0243.0539 84.36 î... e17360.9402.0 561e 97.34 41,47:72.06 * ........ $490,524.,31 $608,185.44 $26,746.66 $142,555.8S $438,378.06 of districts lu tItis coîanty ne 30, 1936.,............... FRANK A. ÀNDREW, ..... ... ........ .... .9 100.00 . . .... 1 . .... . .. .... .. 65.40 36,436.71 4,11.0 $7893 Tewnshlp ScItool Treasurer *1

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