.A PERFECT SETTING completes this most attractive 6 rm. brkc. home on a wooded lot 93x150. Ail Ige. rms.; recreation mi. OW.ner wants offer. HOLC financing. Mrs. Didriksen, Hol. A. LITTLE FXN of this nicely located, well arranged home «"Il afford the buYer a fine 8 rm', 2 bs. home,, oneé blk. fromn lake' In Central Evanaton., Seller will arrange easy termas. W. Joh nson, Hol. OWNER WANTS OFFER.ý Unuaually attr. Weil built Dutch Colonialoôf 6 rins., 2 bs., scr. pcb., 2-car gar. with aide drive ' n a choice location. A rare opportunity. Cal M1rs. Didrikaen,., Hol. 1855-Gre. 1855. re»iodelling proposition. Owner will consil0r selllng bouse and -part of grounds to suit. 'Proerty 18 definltely going to be sold. Cal' us for further details .. Price asked................. $1.0 and renovated. ! roomns', 2 batha, lot 225 ft. deep................$12400 MNodern Colonial bouse wlth 6. beçI EXCLUSIVE AGENTS rooms, 3% baths, choice location, 513 Davis St. Ev.anstonGreenleaf ,1617' Hokanson & JenksJç. REAL BARGAIN Real bargain both a, homne and, an WEST WINNETKA, 8 .roome, 3 batha, investrnent ia this 4 bedroom 2 bath now.under construction as the "4WInbouse. loéated on a beautifully netka'bModel House," readyý for occuwooded 50 foot lot near Skokie Gol f pancy by September lot. 'An excellent Club.' Includes ou humter and garopportunity now, to contract for the age. Can be handled o.n easy terms purchase of this residence, and have and balance like refit. Pri-e, $10.000 It flnished, deceorated, etc.,'to your oun personal taste......... $22.500 Building Sites, PitUrcs(îue 64 foot Ravine lot neAr Road, Ravinia._ Conven1loc(ation..I'n;pëect eîdn * ent and comipare vith, other a vailable property. 0111y ... .$3,000 WiMette BEST 'IN EAST WILMETTrE., bes.3 peis.Welî wooe, 7xj A. real value that you should see. $16,000-offer. R. Johnson, Gre. 1855-Hol. 1855. 2030 CHESTINUT AVE. Attractive Eng. brk. of 6 rnis., on large deep lot located ln aur most popular section. Ail lateat feaMr. B. * tures,. priced to scell Smiith, Winn. 2700-Bri. 1855. Z034 CHESTNUT A' Comipact 7 rip., most modernm Owýner anxious to seli thls aubstantial brk. of 5 bedrms.. 2 tile Ravinia 60x200. A wonderfui p !uortunit>- if accepted, In the next féw da3-. tif.buy this, unusual lot .it onlly . $1,500 50 foot wh~oded lots. Owlier anxious * tib liruidate. WII si in.whole. or divide. Price . $50 per ft. Many Other texcellenlt 1.uys li lots ;md acres. Consuit uis before takiIIg finai action. on. bath iniour (CUSACK .*AprTHUp C. F. GED.GE, M'ANAG1ER »SIN ITH Cr'SÀCK"' WINNETKA - ATTýRACTIVE. HOME; excellent east, aide l'cation, 'livinglrooml, dining roomni library, breakfast rooin,.tiled kitchen, 3. bedroome, chifl's room* large master bedroom with &ieplace, 2 baths, one iled and-one with shower sýta1l, 011 heat, recreatlin Ironi. EAST WINNETKA: A modern home Jn basement. 2-car attached -heated -gaJust thoroughly renov'ated and. re- ragéý. Well financedl decorated. throughout to place it ln bra.nd, new condItion. 4 rooms on flrst EXCLUSIVE AGENTS floor ,including paneledlbrary, 3 rooms and additional child's room 530 D)avis St., Ev.ans. Gre. 108ô, WiL 2291 and two bathâ on 2nd floor. Excellent111LTN10-ltcly loeated with regard to tranaportaton, shopping, grade and hbigb achools ................... $.0 ON CHESTNUT AVE. ATTR. COLONIai,. 5 bedrms., 2 bs.. Ige. scr. pch. Prie KE'NILWORTH G.ARDENS (West Wil-mette) - Now imeder fe.me rcti.n as the' is $1,09or oqKer. -Wilmette Model House," Engllah. NEW BRICK COLONIAL EASTF SIDE' close to all sehs & transp. 4 bedrmns., stl.4 bedrooms, 2%~ baths, finished tile bu., ex. lav., 2-car gar. Most <der.ecreation room, etc........... $18,000 2 sirable and reasonably priced. Cail Mrs.. HIGHLAND PARK: Modern bouse lin Mead. excellent condition, ldeally located with regard to transportation and 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON schoola. 8 rooms, 3%, bathu, large lot Wil. 3740 in quiet location.............8$24,500 Gre. 1166 l1lLTN10-1te111LTNIO-tc .McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. WILMETTE SPECIALS THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. HIGHLAND PARK Comipl. WINNETKA ht for $1,000 long terms. 3'eaérms., 2 Ds. uwnèer.very, anxious for offer. Mr. Pietscb, Winn. 2700-Bri. 1855. à44 LINCOLN AVE. Beautiful view from thia 9 rmn., 41/2 bath English brk. in very choice east aide location. Ail lateat improvements. Juat being comnpleted now. Mr. B. Snmith, Winn. 2700-Bri. 1855. COOL INDEEDIN 1%;THIFR EC E NT re blazing heat was this modern Colonial, r 3 .blocks from Wilmette bathlng beach and so close to the Yacht harbor you can sleep on your boat o'nights. Century old.a elm and oak join their branches over the bouse like a canopy. Coo-it's because bai-gain. The owncr has moved east- I.. of the trees, the lake 'AND BECAUSE IT'S WELL BUILT. At $12.500 it lsaa it is ready now. If househunting, by al means see this home.. R. B. WHITAKE R CO. Glencoe 140 CENTER STREET, WINNETI<CA 2 ser. rnis. & ha., solarium, library, brk. WI.NNETKA 3250 %/-acre beau. grounds. Price of lllLTN1:)-ltc rm.. $55.000 is %- owner's cost. Rentai $250. SPANISIf ARCHITECTURE. NOT EXtreme in design, flnelY built, brick const., tule roof, 5 master bdrms., 4 ha., SALE OR RENT iL FE BILLS REALTY, Inc. MAIN OFFIg 81 YEAI g ol. 3' I746 I j. Pickard 111LTN10-lte