6 P. mon": toonleaf. 1U LOS? AMP POUND LOST: ENVELOPE CONTAINING PAPERS AND CURVALUABLE RENCY IN WILMETTE., No questions wlll be asked. if the papera are mailed to Mr. BrYant. 2828;LIncoîn Ave., ]Evanston., Negotiability of papers stopped; they ,are of nouse to finder. 3LTNlO-ltp) LOST JULY 8 TL'TORINGASSI.STANMT IN CHEMlstry at Ohio State UniVerpity desires studeuts for sumnmer tutoring i college .henistr-y. lr. Vivian, Briarigate 6169. PETS 24 Inchl-,Girl's Bicycle. Cali Winnetka 781 HUBBARD WOODS ANIMAL HOSPITAL Wher4jyour Pete HaV.O 24-Hour Atteaidance. Boairding - lucking - Clippingr lai Hubbard Woods, at- 3 WOMAN, JFIRST CLÀ$S or general bouse work. Willaway for the summer. $12 r week. Good reference. GRLE IWhite;. geai. law O8LTN1-îtp Ing, own rS. 4 la Z MNCE» PRIMARY TAH tu tutôr1ng- nurse maid work lion for, ekWdrly 'lady. ]Phone Marie Kelly, 216 Erie Street. 6SLTN10-ltp MHITE. EXPLCRIENCED IN GIRL, bchlîdren, French, munie -and caire of Aduit sewing, wl ishes pýartttlime work by hour or day. Ca ai! GRÉ. b174. 68LTNLO-tp WHITEG uate, general npusewonac, gooa plain Io go E8IJ5K8rigUi. ZerraU. tion. Muet b. O'ver 18 yoare Ol cook. $8. Phono Winnotka. 1600. . 68Ll-ltp Winnetka 1015. EXPERnIENCED GiRlui 20 WISHUSWIWTE GIRL BBTWEEN » dovïiitaire wOrk. Good, 000 car. of chlldroni mornirn aftiernoone $15. ,Wlnntka r8.,, . ntia. 1440.reforenoos. -and oveningo. 4.*4JLAI Y, ,Wl SMALL FEýMALE WIRE. LOSThaired* terrier, no collar. Last seen Wiain. 3737-3454 Mon. evening, Wilmnette Beach at foot 908 Linden Ave. Ashland Ave. Reward,. Wilmette 336. 44LTN9-4tp 3LT.N1-ltp LOST-TOY BOSTON BULL, BLACK 10 WEEIcS OLD. HHALTHY MALES. Fine pedigree. Registered A. K. C. 3L10-tp Winnetka 501. ReasonableL 898 Elm Street Winnetka 2410 44LTN10-Itp ANTIOUSU BACK FROM.% BUYING TRIP WITH large selection of pinks and copper -8%*EEKS OLU ........ FINE STOCK lustre. Patterni and colored glass. RlE-ASONABLE.ý...WINNETKA 1522 44LTNIO-Itip Waukegan Rd. D.erfield Deerfield 4'44 Black Cocker Spaniels Irish Terrier Puppies FOiR G U'EXPERIENCED COLORED WOMAN, WHITE amAi) houework. 2 adulte li fan wants general hougework. No laundry. Sunset Roa!, Wlnnetka. Pho: References., Call Glenicoe 1331. 68LTN10-ltp iietka 1057. - - JM e 't. W'hite Horse Antique Shop COCKER SPANIELS itor, or referen, soi Col. Co chiaui washer, hou Excellent 70617. COé0 LO à oositi«Oî 748 Elmn St. See These Puppies Before Youj Buy H. C. Lewis, 385 Rosewood, Winn. 3484 44Ll-ltp BICYCLES Quality Bicycles-Low PRICES Complete lune of ail Sizes in Stock Liberal trade allowance on old bike Reconditloned bicycles - Second Hand Bikes $10.00 up. . Dependable Repairing. FREE PICK-UP AND DETLIVERY habit, Winnetka WALTER I. NELSON HRNLP WANTED--FRMALE BUINESS WANT A 'AI urer ln newe woifan. Write mette, Illinois. INC. 721 MAIN ST. 3 COOKS, excelle1nt $15 - 18. 10 GENEJRALS, $10 -15. 4- SECONDlS, $12. 25 MOTHERS HELPERS, fine homes. "NELSONIZED" TRUE VALUE" Glencoe Bicycle- Shop Open Eveningsanad Sundo.ys Glencoe 57 708 Vernon Avenue 14B-LTN4-tfC Lucille's Placement Bureau 1137 Central Ave. Wilmiette 1056 ROCKHOLD BLDG. 71LTNIO-1te U3ei C air --- I Phone 71LTN1-ltip