on yotkr hse. Theare K8aY De C CORNELI 1620 ]Ridge AVe., BUILDING AND REPARIE Wil. 3413 Painting.and Deorating. You'I1 have more lime for leisure this summer if YOU fil your home maintenance requiremet-lrom Ahese mnany reliable offerings. Not only are there listed the usual services required for keeping your gounds and home in tip-top shape but you'll also find -ths ou.othoriayevce he to lime. Consuit tibis page whenever needed. fiom im you're looking, for home services. 42LTNJ 0-Up JOSEPH, KETP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRATOR Wilmett. sels 1ý714 WaBingtonm Ave. 15A-LTN$-4tP) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Best Material-LoweBt' Prices Estimates ant samples furnished. . H. MADISON & CO. G67 Wilmette 105é 10.Hc;Nvard St. 42LTN7-4tp B.Braun WiI. 1677 CARPENTE1R WORK,,REPAIRING A specialty. Work done reas. 629 Prairie 15-LTN9-4tp ilmete. Ave., CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER ANI) BUILDER CEIL. ,CALC., $1.50 up R O OM S ROM PI:APIERED*, $3.50. washed andi starched, $3.1 We do any line of dec. Outside .windows painted, 60c. Only first class mat'l used. Weil rec. LOUIS. Wilmette 3439. 42LTN10-ltp * Repairing and Remodeling WINNETKA 2480 15A-LTN8-S3tp MAKE TOUR SUMMER MORE ENJOYABLI Il. FILLING TOUR-HOME NEEDS FROM THIS PAGE E. NELSON Painting andi Interior- Decoratinig WILMETTE 1891' 42LTNS-4tp *ROOF LEAKS REPAIRED GENERAL CONTRACTING MARIE'S DIET & REST HOME, L A W N S, CULTIVATING FLOWER betis. Trim spireas, flowering sbruba has a vacaneY for omeone who neetis now. For sale: annual, p.renial plants. Cooti tood.,antilovlng care. NEW ROOFV$ ÇITIýeD BYBAR- or*mmentttebvwbs, black deêv- aef WILMETTE 5099 ChÉrÔ rett Co. Perry Rfg. Co., 1ê46 sand, fertilizers. YOVANOF, Wimette 41LTN9-4tP 15A-LTN4I-2itp. 452. 2139 Glenview Roati. 27LTN9-4tp Ave., Davis 1616. DAY N1UIE 0. Durkoop & Sons Painting anti Decoratlng GLENCOE 1845 42LTN9-3tp Bak A. G. HOHLFELDER REMODELINO, C E M E N T WORK, cinders. Also trucking, gratiBaksoul, etc. FRANCES DAY' NURSERY painting, elec. work, gutters, roof, Ceinent or atone work. driveways. Ing, of *Reliable. Low prices. Don.'t let lack Reasonable prices. Attention Mothers! Gooti rare gîven te P A INT IN G, DECORATING, CARexcavating. Also money stop you. Lloyd S. Crain, Uni, P'hone Glencoe 858. ïenter work, including remodeling of chiltiren untier 4 yrs. by traind nurs. 27LTNS-4tp 15B-LTNIO-Itp WI 0641). Very iow rates. For further Information ail kinds. Low prices. Best work. 41A"LTN7-4tp prove satisfaction. WINNETKA 209 call Wilhette 3589. 42LTNXO'-ltlP COMPLETEGARDEN SERVICE BY *uSuwus sERvICE E L E CTR IC welding. automobile machine shop anti WELDIN<). BOILER Uni. 4518 Alfred Renschin Expert painting, gaperhanglug and In-p r Make your kitchien a modern one. Call CORNELLI & FRENCH. Greenleaf 1.354, Evanston, and let u: * give you a free estirnate. ARCHITECTUIZAL SERVICE.CL@GKOREPARRING 16LT-N1O-Itlp advertisers cash in on home Lt SEWING MACHINES CLOCKS EXPERT,. CHIME HALL antique clock repairing. Learnèti trade ln MuroetFomly with TifffanyV andi "P EEP EL. DeL. CONSOLE, $17 '7 9.50. White, Martha .WashingAse, $165 val., $49.50. Singer long andi round bobbins, $29,50ý rdropheatis, $5 up. Guar, same ltterson Bros., 1114 Davis St., 53ALTN9-4tp 0 HELP WlImètte 106 66LTNi7-tto Wilmette 805 Rdge A. 9 to 12:30 a. m., 4 to 7 p. ni. Hubbard Woods 900 Lindela Ave. 9 to 12 a. m. GleDcoe £76 Vernon Ave. 9 to 12 a. m.*' ULTN10-1tC Ask for Ad Taker orth Shore Homes. bestgated. Striotly DRn. t