covered ini this story about a child Who lives in a ligbthouse with Captain January (Guy Kibbee) and is saved from an -institution, by providential relatives. "The.t:x-Mrà. Bradford" cornes to the Valencia Tuesday and Wednesdayý, Juy 21 an& 22. 1Jn its cast are jean; Artbur, William PoWell, Ralpb Morgan, James Gleéasoni, Fric Blore, and Robert Armstrong. The plot, .body to Love." When Kibbee, Slim cleverly interwoven and convincingly ,umm eraillot-SnirleirlTembureesqu developed, concerns.ja race-track murder and the marital, difficulties of, a intelligent bit of screen comedy.Fim young doctor and bis amateur-detecFor Sunday, july 19, and, Monday, tive wife. The work of cast and di-, rector is considered e.specially-,eXFrceHosnBret'beve july 20, the Wihnette tbeater bas billed "Monlibt urdr,"story of the littie New York boy wbo cellent. the amepicure tbhe sis pcombied "Murde an Md oera beco mes an Englisb lord in line for whit iscômbnedmurer ad oeraan earldom is relieved this week-end, witb an ingenious twist about inercy Tbursday, Friday and Saturday, July VISIf The killiing in it. LeoCarrilk ast héfirst 16, 17,, nd18, wh.awthe Valencia teêtenor in "Il Trovatore," drops dead ater presents "Little Lord Fauntleduring a performance at the Hollywood roy." Freddie Bartholomew earns Bowl. Chester Morris plays the detec- new bonors as Ceddie, Lord FauntleOrchestra Bv.ry Nigbt tive. Madge E~vans, a wonian scieftist, roy. Dolores Costello Barrymore, Bxopt Moni. snd Tue*. emerging from a long retirement, is and J. C. Naish is a madman. W.dndady & Timudmy: lovely and appealing as ever as Robert Taylor and Janet Gaynor i, y. ..... là CVWimp Dearest. mother, boy's ico-starred in "Small Town Girl." whi ýtis to C. Aubrey Smith, bowever, will be at the Wilmette theater Tuesd; t top acclaim must geo for his rmagWednesday, and T1hursday. July 21, sm a f rom a girl of story The 23. and urdiyay I Z4and Zb. vv en tnan-hating MaryAstor meets wonianShirley Temple, Guy' KiîWC, Slmhating Meivyn Douglas the fun starts n oga Summerville, popular trio, corne to the adkesrligMr Wilmette theater Tbursday, Friday, and f rom jail to rnatrimony. The story reSatudayof tis eek in Capainvolves around Edith Fellows and George a child wba' ives, McKCay,. respective o.ffspring of May of January." tbe story in a lightbouse and. is rescued from an and.Do)uglas, and their atternpts to keep n ttheir parents apart. Succeeding too well institution. It is surrounded h by an t hey proceed to reunite them.witb a well mosphere of a àmall llshing village.. The, e story lement is said to rank second to pandha;lugsadmxp The capers of the on star, suit.' The setting is lovely. ,and technique tedancing ýrefreshoung the score. Some of the rol- of the cbildren arelnatural and the musical icking tunesý are 'Early Bird." ',At the ig Codfish Bail,", and,"The.Right Sôme-. ary aayauu ci A "new li:m iummervîile' is dis- êêSM83ALL TOWN wIfb Roerot lTéer ,oU' Gang Comedy-Mickey lieuse & News Feature Starta Ail Days at Jamet Gaym' 2 3- 573-O. Fe atoon w atV en a Sun, Mon. & Tues,..Tuly 19-20-31 Mmntgoumey Pete Smlth No-velty - Myv.a Lay -Ail-Star- Feature IStarts AUi ays ut 2:'00-4:00-6 :6S:01 1 Wed., Thurs., July 22-28 AiÎrport oTàv.rn 1mi S. C<abb -R.slh Hudsum 5 Comedy-1!errYtoon & Newâ had. James Stewart, Binnie Barnes, Lewis Third Week RAVINIA FESTIVAL Chicago Symphony Orchestra lIES Wm. Van floogstrateii, guest rond. 4:30 P. M, Sandaky, q11A1719 e Uma. e PISOS4