0o r. Pr@pry LIuted wth the WITZLEBEN REALTY CO.ý Ka Gom DyIte for CtXAt4NG - stréet,,Witunetka, «'viII build this Colonial om R.[T ravdeletti. Chicago archtfect. zcho resides a t 282 Linden bedt reet. Winnietka. The structufre ivill co»nltifor miaster Is of the Fedératl-Periodon, Locust road, isouth 01f îVillott s This> air-conditioned. be wiII homie' llie .tzîo-car garage. roong. t.ere zwiIl bc a Pnaid's roopm over thre «altactied thisfajoil. opte of a numnbcr of homnes -Ifr. Traveletti zill1 build in titis Section or ben. ,l Irnd 77 . I .11 -- I aà REPAIRING >r OIL BURNERS-STOKERS AT I OSLOUG i4 IHmfing àA .ir Coud itionsug mi 1tidwe Rd- I M. C. orne inneti the wV Amnericýan et. Elm streg presentati ive. Ihas )lnan tion of aan nce mn tric AmEGg the m-anY other relcet.,tinstallatiotis by 'New American Homes -'Appliances. 'are those at the D. A. Nicholson residence. 376 Woodlawn avenue. ,Glencoe. A. Park, 379 Jackson avenue. XVinnietka; A. H. Barber. 1214 -Scott avenue,. Wininetka: Girls> club and the New M-'odel apartment at New Trier High school. and, in addlition. mnanv comm~ercial installatiOnsý. veral Re P r, -'S Quinlan and Tyson, Inc.. report the following lune sales: The bouse at 334 Hawthorne avenue. Glencoe, belonging to Walter E. Webb, was .sold to Loren L. Wylie. MNrs. Roland R. Schwall of Quinlan and Tyson, hic, represented the purhase- rand Mrs. Xinlov of Bau- Realty Transfers 4½Î% UNTEKEST Fmo. Ewut@ ormUBS .a4 North show*Ur. There Is also an electric range equipped with high-speecl cafrod heating units. niaking this range as fast as any plain type burner, it is explained., These units are indestructible. The range ïs equipped with telechromne timer. making it 100- percent automatic. moud road. Kenilworth. recentlv orSears, is gariized by N.Mr--. William WV. verv enthusiastic about théeniarked imprvenintsin north shore real estate. Mrs. Sears. a famniliar figure in local, real esýtate circles for many years. reports several addition-s to h er sales Rates Are Favorable force. The rates fior electric cooking in Asisociated with her at present are this territory. Mir. Dean points out, 4 nett sold avenue, zoned for apartments, Roland H. for investnient. was Peterson of the Evanston office of Quinlan and Tyson. mnc.. was' the, only broker. The same broker sold the only vacanit lot on the south side oi Pavnie stree t, between Bennett ave-' ilue and Ewing avenue, to an undisclosed purchaser. SU Tu 140 emU WUWKA 3m FumubEu 770 ~hwr retracks in built will enilworth., and are trained oveir effect. mkevines a delightful