Suilders' Service INC. Phione W;nnetka 512. WANTrED REALESTATEý SALESPERSONS An ecelIeiit opportunity ta beconie asa n moretted iI*a progressive, organization. Onie experleuiced in North Shore Real Estate Preferre<I. but not essential. AUl applications wIll be held strlctly confidertial. Coloial is fnw brisiq erceted,at .. Ash. street, Wimnetkai for Axel Pec ëAf tcr ovewEnglaid This' ottractivè a veinirE Fnaîtoni. The' architect is WiladWalker, .536ý Michigan Hofyren, patent attornley., flou' lJiinQ at 8 Lake Shore drive, C'hicago... The co#itracj r is C. -4. B earber.q & Co., hpic., of Park Ridge, SELLS 77 ACRES CUSACK e.rterior aIis will l'e of whiute 170 feet on Greenleaf s treet. The 'Vbrick; zvith roof of gray greena bouse contains 10 roorns and 4 baths. This transaction was one of five by Smart and Golee, Imc., durafi~sJtdclosed tullcontan nteio ~. Lewis T. Dodds Places Large Arta rnonth of June, and aggregatthe ing l"vng eight ta> roorn, tion roorn, $500 c aad . One garage of 2-car a sites hs, bat 3 r, Honme ini Market on The others were: ed porcli.. Roois aill be fitiihed îng $500 The six-room English brick resifecorated in the hracter of ffi library will be dont dence at &I1 Madison street, EvansLewis T. Dodds, real estate broker Peri r.Second floor inted pine walls and u411l have' a ton , by the Pennsylvania Oulof comthe Pa" ,1r- A - -- i -- ..,.j..: a nnv ta Rartlett Marimon ISOUis z(411 bc infhcitan coworedaSSt i).n. l me Ic namoAauit eCtate W tiith porcelaii, apid chroyniunnpiuring J. Kely Smith of the M'BBM Air MWý1I Bannocicwooa., as 33 acres are 'n the fi.rtures.. The latatipig systern u411bc 1 Theatre, R, E. Goss. was the salesvillage of Bannockburn. air-copiditioned, gai fircd, with provi'- man. Mr. Dodds also. announes the sale siopi for future çiiiiiiier cooling. L. L. -Xancarrow of International companv purchased fromn of the. first three homesites in MacFarland's woods on Sunset roa4' near Margaret Sciferth the seven-roomn Willow road. l'o Wade -Fetzer, Jr.. Iiiii~4\ brick bungalow at 2541 Lawndale Gerald Grant and Kenneth Hawkins. ~ I L A.Timmons of FredThis property is restricted to horneCoperand company representeric sites of 2ý 2 acres or more and bouses A. Sadier The handsome colonial residence cd the purchaser and W\7. to cost at Ieast $15.000. at 1215 Greenleai street. Evanston, represented the seller., - .Harvester Smart &Golee Announce JuneReaty Tansersav.enu.Mrs.