PAINT STORE 99 ¼~ ~~'g UBEARD PEfoNE W-001)8996 WINETKA -lut w 30-DayTrial wall Prove Tsat TIMKEN' Slleat Au*@maoic WAU MATER actually SA VES yeua front 50 to 75% on average hot :water cost. L~T i~T ~ L ici Iv~I The gasý-fired, air-conditiîoned heating plant. installed by Jay Boslough of %Vilmette. is in the special utility room i the center of the bouse. The entire volume of, the bouse is enveloped with insulation -foor. walls, and roof. The exterior walls are covýered.with gray Weatberbest stained shingles ap-ý plied by ilt:i C. Danner, who is the carpenter contractor. Trim wlll be TJohn -D - shutters.' ~ laundry on, the first floor is being in- ingwhich calis for a lavatory 'and a A. Shellberg of Evanston. Plumb- Painting is being done by- MO.GtAN Y051 i froi the draiting board of L. Morgan ECT Yost, architect. whose office is in the AP CM IT W; LM FTTE First National Bank building in Wilmette. The owners are Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Riclh. who now live ini Evans- stalled by tbe Glenview. Heating & Plumbing company. The living room and dining-alcove are finished with a natural -sand finish plaster. applied. by the '<alenti Plastering conipany. Coffplete electrical equipuient is specified, t> Pe water heater storage with 40-g alIon tank available in efther gaivaisted steel or copper alloy. Heats 40 of gallons water an hour. a 1- 'Hrnged P.\-.M\cKay, preciated 'by any home builder seeking ail the comforts and conveniencès of a jHIS charming Cape Cod cottage is1 completely modern home in the minimum T iearing coinpletion at .529 Brier of uncrowded space, and at a mqterial street in -Kenilworth. Its design came saving in total cost. tails. The iron weathervane which will symbolize. a phase in the lives of the owners, is the culininatin.g personal ýfactor. oumt rnis nouse couplete Io the iast c Wide SashInterest Creates lier builder, who rsds11 Aibv 1 Pt June.Buildng r.Abv E. W. Runden Added to Hokanson-Jenks Staff 4 \.V. Runden. Jr.. hias been appuinted heacj of the insurance departnment of Hokanson and Jenks.hinc.. at at 911 Linden avenue, Wimette, is !~~ A ddress ... . . ... . . . IC i ............. and home ownersinterest t is1 creatilngamn ihomes ly. homnes. F. L. ger. reports four Lenke. of Wau his report nine for $35>.000., Information orr v-,arlou.s of gardenling mnav he obtàti of charge at the North Shoi deni center. W\'innetka Coni tunity House. 'everv Tuesday nmor: lîg at 10:.15 oco