School 'Friends to Have Outing uno Evansto have general in league actiî'ities. ternoraily halted, the been lthough garden cIll) is cointininllg ineetings on regular, sc.-edulë. and is looking for-ward noi- to its next gathering july 20. at the honme 577 of Mrs. Donald. WN. woodla wn àayenue. GlenCOe. Mrs. Stanfley 'K. Peirce >wll assist Mrs. Rogers. ýan4 another member will, present the days program on *M.yths and Legends of Flowers." A calendar of- gardeiiing.hints for 'the ensuing monfh wilLbe given by. M.iss Marian Carpenter. Mrs. John 'McPherrin. who is serving a second terni as ptesidetlt. lias been coniferring recently with -Mrs. Francis Dakin, vice-présidenlt and programi chairman. and together thev have worked out a complete caletidar of events for the ensuing year. The material. is nlow béing compiled into bookiets. which will be ready for *distribution at the next meeting. In August the club will visit NMrs. -Mark Cresaps lovely garden in D.A. rtgent (dfFort Dearborul chapter. Daughlters of the A eia t h, at, anniounices Revôltutiol. al. -,ImIln r planS tor àts ani % benefit bridge part%,-,N, %vill é VNî-iian's cub be held at the Fvai,.stol.e Friday.. julv 31, at 2. Oclock. Mirs. qliermFii B. Otwig, who *S â second termn as chairman servýing a :oi the wayg and mneans committee, has entire charge of the affair, but will be a ssisted bY the members ofber' new commnittee, as well as, by the social committee of which Mrs,. lEarl J. Cooper is the new chairman; The members whô are servng on compiittee for the coruMrs. %Orwig's are: Mrs. James 'p. Spoerri. ing year who wi1 ' again be her co-chairman. Miss Bertha Barnum 1 Mrs. Burnett S. Bliss. Mrs. Robert Chittenclen. Mirs. Earl J. Cooper, Mirs. George J. Cowan, Mrs. Raymond Darby, Mrs. Thomas J. Dee, Mrs. Kenneth W. De Garmo, Mirs. Roy W. Fletcher, Mrs. Earl Hinrichs, M\rs. Samuel J. Larig. MNrs. Charles WV. Noody. MNrs. G. J.' Reeling, Mrs. Xendell C. Perry, NMrs. considered at later Meetings,.rd ini the annual ChiiParticipation cagà 'flôwer show next spring will be one of the important events of theyear. The club entered the show ear for the first time and plans yat to increa se. the scope of its entries this year. «M\rs._Noble M.\ýacFarlane of Winnetka has been asked by MNfrs. McPherrin to serve as chairman of theflwer sfhow committee. aign5'&8'U ie braid of satil zuas her trdie v, 1f.Uùîg front a valley and bl Lilies of the orangye blossoi saiing are bride his. and dima» 1r. bqu. 9»ne in [Visnetka abouit Auigiit a xetob ymaaeuwsnu fFe wasm aitover U4hich itIs a cluster of. res formted her H-oniohdzi, a1ed Roquest Mc - 1er Group Reoort ot clever table prizes forthat Aormer parcapacity. serve in will again ties, two' has Fort Dearborn chapter purpose the for year a benefit parties of raising funds for its patriotic and charitable works. Tables will be arranged for play inside the Womnan's club, which is always delightfully cool in sumrand punch will be served garnes by Mrs. Earl J. Cooper, and small pots and delivered them o'vlock. The afternoon will 1e spent in in expectant children. In tellbappy-faced. annual the for sewing and plans miaking the booth attendmftsý that to it of ing '%mmto 1e given in Novemnber.* avenu e, on. Tuesday, July 21. at 1 :30> place ana bo<ght two nlats c» ageratumI tothe eceive rs are Hos icago Home Martfla Wasinton Childret and nt Crippled 's Municipal homue. Joe Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke L. Hayes of 911 Lakeavenue, left Sunday for Cleveland where hé will spend three weeks. Mr. Hayes spent last weelc in Endicott, N. Y.,, on business.