of Uncle and Aunt PlaOce on barurcaoy The wedding of, MissÎ' l 'een 'O'Connell, daughter of Mr. and., Mrs.. William J. O'Connell of 933 Linden avenue, and.Charles Edwin, Ramsey, son, of Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Nace Ramisey of 15C7 Highland avenue, will take place Saturday1 morning, July 18, at 10:30, at -St. Francis Xavjer. church- in Wilmette. 'IJe, Rev. Bernard B. Brady, will per-» formn theceremony and officiate at the nuptial mass, Due to ill-ý ness, Mr. O'Connell will be unable to attend :his daughter's wedding, so, Herbe rt L. O'Conneil will give his*sister in inarriage. Miss O'Connefl as asked ber tbree sisters to attend ber. Mrs. Fraink J. Cleary (Marie O'Connell) of Rogers Park will be the niatron of honor, and Mrs. Thomnas F. Scanlon (Gertrude O'Conneil» of Glencoe and Mrs. Arthur J. Roth (Virginia O'Connell) of Evanston wiIl act as bridesmaids. Phillip Kemper, a brotber-in-law of MrPimsev. At a simple wedding which took place Saturday afternoon,, July 1.1, at the home of the bride's uncle and, aunt,, Mr. and Mrs. William H.Furst of 419 Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe, Chichester, Eenoe Miss daughter -of Mr.1 and 'Mrs. Franklin S. Ch.ichester:of West Barrington. R.> I., formferly of Glenécoe, was married to james, J. enright, -jr., son 'of Mr. and Mrs. james J. Enright of 488 Park avenue, Glencoe. the, bride ýwore an afternoon gown of powder bine crepe. Wit a corsage of gardenias and ýa dark bine picture. biat. Her onlv attenrdant, Miss Marian, Bfaber of Hubbàrd Woods, was dressed in dusty pink with dubonflet accessories and a corsage of roses to blend witb bler gown. The 1ridegroorns brother, Thomnas Enright, was bis best man, and a cousin. the Rev. joseph Enright, perforrned the cerernony wbicli was wit-. nessed Ibv members of the families. Mrs. Furst cbose a gown' of powder -blue and a corsage of sweet will be thé. best man, *the immediate farniles at nane Country club. Several parties wbjcb were planned by friends of Miss O'Conneli were cancelled because she bas been confined to ber borne this week with a fractured ankie bone. MNr. and Mirs. Enrigbt plaii to take their wedding trip in September and arc at borne on Bluff street in Giencoe for the summer. ,en MnePhoto Marie Zendi in Recital Wifh Edward Collins in June wasa play contest. vur hl ea on ber i h iii >the and-ý lCentury and, taking part ininthe the Wings o scene.. boat pageant,