't vt---Popper. Corne November be will talce the rres.i* uniforn namne for the thorougnlare, iromîItSDe dent's.* north the to Evanstoni, ginning at Emerson street, already that the village lîmits of' Glencoe. Attention bas North shore inhabitatits are assured y,"- neuu cationl Must beàr th~e naie andaddrts01 remotorists of known material' been directed to the confusion annual epidemic of the insects conmmonlya--plenty necesarily for publicationl, but for our-fieés. Such a. bearsfoir higbway the tino sulting froin the fact that mutreach the editor by Tuesday noop to b. in, as. sand.fliles is about over. We.cùssed eyes and no valid ears, differenit naine in eacb village. There; is the current issue.. the .NWhile we dug thetn out of. our cointinued be should name of confusion reason Wby this. nose, until we learned that the bifalutin' a naine, corrected. easily so 'be wjth can when the situation. the pests,is ephemfiderae. Nothing of the fact that it. connects,,directly at Because liethat can, be a pest.« the by with Green 'Bayi road, The experimnent naw, being undertakeil Glencoe1 of edge niorth the volufntary the name ini Kenlwortb Village board to secu re a paintedl and the furtber fact that it now bears that for, its solving. the in citizens, X'ou have heardcof "a painted ship upon dogrowning of naine a of cooperatian choice logical a thent nuis- Kenilwortb, Winmette has.a painted lady upon oceafl. dog problemn and eliminating its attenda neigb- entire len gth would bie Green Baày.road, While the The by painted bouse, and has she raised a ruction! ances will be watched witb keen interest Bay, road traverses for a, limited Green original have. olution at lady adorns, a house in. Kenulboring villages, where attemnpts parts of Winnetka and Glencoe on thie distance1 lines.. worth Gardéns. Her lack . not been'made along different side of the railroad tracksý, this should east that demonstrated cltigcaused comment, even. It bas been pretty thorougbly to be an obstaclein adopting the titie for prove 'instituted eyebrows. and expresbeen r aised 'have as highirastic regulations, such the.widee, longer and more heavily traveled, any. sions, of shocked disapproval, objectbe of sbort far fal that. by some municipalities, way. 1.t bas previaflsly beeni suggeste humnans somne persan. tive, whicb is, ini tbe main, to protect' by dogs iconàfusion,, due to' sucb a.doption could bc overcome, Then one night surreptiunknown attacks, or. persons rabies. or f o "Green Bay Road against the dangers street side, east the renatning by travel to. the figure in. vicious dispositions. One. bas enly %vitb retention of the original' tiously garbed permiit would This East.beto village, appropriate robes whicb comover the streets of any north shore any loss of identity by the eaist prevent and *nam.e disregard .pletely 'conceatéd her iner conte coinced that there is widespread boards. street. side points. But the5e were reof the restrictions imposed by Villagemost dog these two propositions sbauld be means ail By by mnoved, and again the lady Wblile regulations are compiled wiib a conclusion tbraugbi unified action by to pushied one. give to stood forth in realistic colorowners. there are sufficient violations And even of the village§ affected. bodies official the inig-7altogether too realistic, the impression that they are general. owner of treaty bas now .every by letter Iif comiplied with to the according ta some observers. A offended, unnot be been signed by the offender and the a~ dog, nuisances and annayances would muzzle DOORSTEPP" contracted t.o "LAID AT ITs aIl, tbe der the terins of which the former, heavv coat ,entirely eliminated, for. after a ili up o conceal the femninine charmns under A clear view of the Fascist scheme embodied offers 'no protection against the tearing other being genreserves and of pure white, a la Sally Rand, white lawns, fouling or destroying fiowers tbe dog's the federal law taxing the undistributed cofcepexalted of during impair erally accepted as the symbol nc h AtA bv which corporations guard against loss valuablel vegetation. It does not ties is to bring ownvlers of offenditlg dogs toaa grants no realization of the fact that ownersbip upon licelise to impose nuisances or annoyances injury to other people. nor ta subject tbe public be better. tbrougb attack by tbeir pets. If this can and suasion, accomplislied by education and moral municipalthat Kenilwortli cati establisb tbe fact, to its ity will bave rendered a valuable service stringtbat neighbors. Its success wvill demonstrate to a unient regulatiotis forin a wvrong approach versaI probleni. eagie was* featbering Out. He saîi: knowledge ".Capital allocation would depend upon for a much. ixow of agency, f rom saie planning use one to put be to ought period measured future the information, this Given another. rather than to self-allocation. lunit to be would first step in control great problein in this field. This is the flrst 1 lAssumlng, however, that each industry had its sufficiently closely vàrious firms either conined or would the associated for practicai action, how then probleni be. attacked? be to drive "In general thie principie lnvÔked would inarcorporate surpluses. into the openi investnient The pressbeg reports one ttiousanau t.-- beat never. pardon, but the press' ha.We men inundercaver Our killed all those people. many cases vestigating the matter report that in sonie tbe victims were known to have* greeted "Well, remark, the with friend violent tempered is it bot enough for you?" Enougb is enoughjust be careful what you say!1 wonderLet's go to California. Saturday that eartbquakes, fui sectioni of the U. S. experienced in Calisnnw. frnst and fires. Sometbing dolng. avenue crossing in consideable The proiect la looked upon with its direcfavor by the state highway departinleit, providing having given it tentative approval, tor% the several villages get together and, formulate anmwtalatiofi that îwill be satisfactOrY'to aIL; prairie Ail the "bicks" do not livet in "typical Illinoisans Two states wvest "of the Mississippi,' conwere swindled last week on twa of the oldest police.. the to fidence games .kno"n ident Roosevelt, say tlhe papers, is ail set ton full steami on bis pet project of a IN-, ide-forest from the Canadian to the Mexican r, ta hait dust stornis and drougbt. Sounids grow? but how' is he going to make the trees THE PHANTOM. RVPORTUt . -à