WhelIier you dress up for afte.noon and eveningj funciions or spend ail your fime playing ai sports we can ouîff you% in cool, cool frocks fo wear from morn ing fo midnight. Ke e pCool, on he lak.e shore ForDiv ers'l Reasons We., Recommend Jantzens Tii. firif essentiel of a swimming suit is poeh.ion Jantzen trunks for mon in comfortable r im styles, $295 and Jalntzen. Becius. of Mhe marvelous elasticify of Jant- $3.95. Jantzen suifs for women, Kava-Icnif ,for figure confrol, beautiful colors and zen stitcli, a Jantzen alweys fifs perfectly and perma0>~gn Street Floor smarf new styles $4.95 to $6.950 StretFloor Sireet Floor JULY 16, 1936