.tirne, 'butIirasmmii luxuriant sub-tropical forest.. There On Dec. 6, we docked at Melis nio doubt but 'that these' inland bourne about 8 a. m. As ýthe ship scenes would hold a new observer floated into thie harbo,, I-could see spellbound,* and I arn nowý looking the tali buildings of the.main busi-, forward to the time, when 1. can take ness district ofý this city of over a a1trip into 'theheart of these islands .million population.. I wasý off- for the and make a special study of the day-and .practically for the entire. Maori. stay of. 5 days. 1 took the tram at the Leaving New Zealand for Sydney, en« of the docks,: buying a secondAustraliai we, enter the Tasman -Sea. class ticket for fivepence round trip. This is considered -one of the Most, to the heant of Melbourne. (Thetreacherous stretches of water in the, ship docks at Port, Melbourne, some wvorld, since it is usually very irough 4 miles distant.) This' differed f rom and sudden storms.of great intensity, the finst class cars inthat they had arise frequently. I was flot in- the le"ast no cushions eithen on seat-or back. sorry that for somfe reason or an- Atthe terminal I alig.hted to see a other. it w s fairly calm -durigu second San Francisco, or Auckand, or two-day trip across. or: Peoria, or Memphis,. The main %Nlhen we docked at Sydney fori distinction, wiîth 'the exception of our two-day stay there, I was givenà Auckland, being that ail traffie lcept shore leave practically the whole i te the left instead of the right-an niuch like any other city, and I m e an arm or leg dozens of times a didn't have the time or energy (trop- day.1 I simply couldn't get used to it. ic lethargy had finally got me) to I inquined the way to the Botanitravel fan inland, a lot of the time9 cal Gardens, which, I had heard, were was spent on the ship. After lunchd among the finest in the world. This I took a walk around the city, inélud-1 I could easily believe after spending ing a small botanical ganden, andi three days there. The day was bright caeback. The next day it was nain- and warm, so I spent the whole aftening incessantly, so I stayed on boardi noon wandering about the several So rnany were unable to join this beautiful club at the beginning of the season that they have asked -usto,let thern corne in now so that they can play with their many friends who are now memibers. We are accordingly making this'special oller of $9.5 to a lirnited numbe who cr to take* advantage of it at ýonce. Ail the full privileges ýof this beautifuflcus with its commodious club buse llb yours if you accept this offer. Write or oel and take. advanitage of tihis wonderful opportunity right now.ý Join this strictly private club and enjoy thé rnany social events with your friends. a Sydney is W.ilmette Golf Club WILMETW'Uï-MMIOIS Tele phone Davis 8106 WiI..tt. 2980 MUSKELLUNGE NOR in the lNeurt of lWisconsin ATH WOODS: >4, dings much' like 'the. Brookfield questioning, but I didn't Iearn at home. outcome. "e.of the mosgt inte res ing things (To be continued next week)