Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1936, p. 1

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C. E. Clifton, Jr., secretary of Wilmette Chamber. of, Commerce, Fun for Ail Villagers Is Prom.' Tuesday,. in announcing, the annua1 ised at. Community Festival .n-ud-summer sales. event to be staged Augus 13 y Wilmette merchants. ."Or almost," hie added, in, giving the actual dates, wbich are Thursday.and Friday, july the capable. direction of A. C. i30 and 31. The..secretary stated furUder Pears'On J. n IJ ei hrge tther that merchants are entering upon of arrangements, .preparations ;for preparations for, :the, big sale with Wilmette Day,. to be held on the unexampled enthusiasm, and. are Village. Green,, west, of H o w a r d promising h o th e shoppers bargains. school. 011 Thu-sda%-* August 13' are. that they will, find, unmatchable in. moving toward, completion.. other markets, speaking of tentative plans. aiIt, is said that the interest showvn .In by villagers ini this revival 'of aý Comn- ready adopted, Mr. Clifton said thiat munity day, abandoned some years 'there is an unmistakable determinaago,ý is such that its' success. is as- .tion'on -the part of members ýof the sured. The affair; sponsored by the Chamber tô demonstrate their ability WVilmette -Chamber of Commerce, is ýto serve villagers every -day in the to 'be one continuai round of pleasure, year, including those days when mer-. .with events and. concession~s fe4,res chiants ini larger. certers Çffer unusual crowding every minute of the after- lures for dollars. noon and evening. Owing to the nearness of the dates, Get Tings Doue MIr. Clifton suggests that citizens of ______sang village Officiais Confer Wih Zonxing Comimission, Home. Owners' ÇGroup in A con ference heid Monday,'night the' office - of the Wiimette Home Owners'.association. 1155 WiI-, J. C. Pearson, Jr., <let) and AI Jeftsen, two of Wilmette's oUtstand-., üIg isincess gettitises,* have been delègated f0 take charge of arrangemne>ts for Wilinette Dayrev1 -l of the aiimalcoin inatit3,festival, which ,z'as terinated several years ago. mette avenue,. in, which. directors of that organizatibn, officiais of the Vil- \Vith reputations for getting things done, -Messrs. Pearson and Jensen have entered enthusiagtically into the spirit of the occasion, and, with a corps of assistants from the Chamber membership, are busiiy engaged on the details wvhich wiil round finally into a program of amusements, gms Thursday. August. 13j. is the day set aside for the frolic which will take place ~on the Vllage Geen:weg-of te ow ard scbool. AIl narmer of amusement features are being provided for villagers, and older, and the occasion is set the village withhoid purchases until, young forth as an ideal time for reunions oi offerings of local merchants are made known through the usual chan- old friends and an opportunlity to deneis. The Chamber of Commerce as velop new acquaintances. a whole is sponsoring the bargain festival, and many items outside o! tregular merchandise ivili bc inciuded. jthe lage and the Winmette Zoning commission participated, may have an.ý important bearing ulpon future zoning regulations affecting- the develop-, ment of commercial ai-cas. Representing. the Village were* President ,Harry C.>Kinne,* Village Attorney Willia m -M. James, and special coun sel Henry J. Brandt. Representing the Zoning commiscommision -uws the full menberlmip consistmng of Myles J. Phiilips. William J. Weldon, Henry Fowler, A. C. Youngberg, and FYred M. Clarkce. Robert E. Ricksen, president, and several directors repreÉented Home Owners' association. the Discues Court Attitudes Invite Golfers to 1Take Free Lessoiis Wbile the discussion centered on the pending litigation Io compel the Village of Wilmette to issue a permit for the erection of a gasoline fill- ated in a manner suitable to such a community as Wilmette.; bIdaI Reunion Setting A feature that is emphasized is the opportunity offered for friends to meet friends and enjoy for a few hours the pleasure of visiting with each other while enjoying the entertainment provided for them. Former residents of the-village are. earnestly 1~.oî %,,lmettnîisvve owng, the first annual North Shore. Free to the absence of officers and. dele- Golf school to be held Friday morngates at the national convention be- ing, july 17, at Il a. m, at thie Deering held in Cleveland. A report of path Golf club in Lake Forest. Use the convention proceedings wili be o! long irons will be featured and made at the next regular meeting pupils are urged to bring along No. on july 24. Atendants at the con-2,3,4or5ins vention as delegates from the Wil- 2. F or 5veirns.lsfrme n mette club are: Dr. Ralph M. Evans, or onthe senincas for7me. and president; Mrs. N. F. Webb, secre- ithe following pros will instruct on tary, Miss Viola Wengel, assistantthusoflnirs:jc then se etrv:N-F.Webb- Dr- L. usWoflongiros:_o-utceso to lean Daccwai rights of ownere properties as w turns on the nvt time, it was ad flot uphold disci clusion of certai At the same courts will i by the inses in an lu- aaas that t] Society pages ...... 34-40 in August., Note: Economy Shop is conducted by the Woman's Club of Wilmette.

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