floor. Awkwardly we sat down as Iy. I watcbed tor a tew moments requested, and waited in siletice, for quite spellbound by the wild primitienature of these former cannibats. somnething te begin. Nôthing. much happened except 'the quiet . murmùur- Their wýet, glistening bodies ýwere ings of tbe man, wife and somne 12. or swaying inuisýon while tbey. clapped 14,childreni of ail sizes and.ages. ,he their hands in captivating rhythmportly mother would tlurnl eve ry niow their proniinent masses ofblack hair àùd then to stir up the embers of. a tossing back ai-d forth, while ethey stnouldering ire. The situation, was rolled theirbig flashing eyes. 'One. becoming somnewhat -emnbarrassing could easily imagine hie Was- sitting9 with. the inhabitants stariÜg at. us, in the mnidst of a'wild tribe -of rauwhen Àe. were informed that for a nibals aWaitinig his Submersion iii a shilling: apiece, the ebjldren -would c auldro n ofboiling water. sing- native songs and dance for us. *This, theught was disquieting if There was eVidei.tlyno alte rnaive, indeed niot ;alarming, whetn a massive so we paid the moiley, and for the black arm eucircled. my1 waist from next quarter hour, witnessed theen- behind and led me gefitly but irmly ere tertainîment. By, that tirue w.e toward the basin in, the middle ofready fo bid farewell to1 the Fiji'vil-' the floor.. A broad griii spread lage and return' to the ruins of a the handsome black faces. of over the once fairly respectable automobile,, others while 1 struggled to free myIiindoo womcsz at the top of wbich could be seen off to sel1f. - h was preoe4sy meire iospithe starboard' blow, 1 paused in the 1 %vas probabiy being felt eut. drizzle outside to take a picture of tality on the part of my insistent' The two days following were cold the children, trusting te luck that it captor, but I'ni afraid 1 didn't respond and windy. Rough seas arese, and. %woulclturn out fairly well, mwhichi it with complete appreciation. I finally 'l had another attack of dizziness, did. Then with the valuable aid of managed to escape. and ini my haste However, my duties .were ight, and my tiny, everpresent assistant, 1 to get eut I knoclçed over the prof- 1 had aIl the time 1 needed te lie cup of liquor, which caused managed to. get- bacfr te our con-' fered on my cet. The next day was howls of laughter. veyance. Thankisgiving, although flot actualfy, lace visited ivas the since we had lest a cjay. I went on The last The return ttip was quite as educational as the other haif, and my Carnegie Li ary, which includes a ,deck fer awhile but it, was pretty This bouses a cem- cold. Wé were then somie 34 degree-s enmpanion asked te-be let off at the1 in of weapons' imple- south of the eauator. Suéva, Fiji Islanids ini 1815, frequent 'Maoris wars arose over dispute of lands, which lasted most of that century, until finally the ahorigines were driven back inte the interier where the remuants et that powerful race still live much the same as their forebears did centuries before them. Statistics now showv that 61 per cent of the population are English and 35 per cent Scotch and Irish. Needless te -say, the principal say, amusing. I e traveI vth the more or iess austere and dignified passengers wouid b e far more boresome after a few days, than associating with the mixed variéty of humanitv which censtitutes the crew. Tt includles Germaus, Swedes, Swiss, Russianis, Jews, Hawaiians, Austral-~ iaus, Greeks and what have you. As 1 lie on my cet in the. gôôd olà glory- general appearance is concerned. As I Ieft the wharf and started walking tewvard the business section, 1 soon discovered that I was going te' have ne little difficulty in understancjîng the accent of the inhabitants. My frst caîl was at the bank where 1 exchanged a couple of dollar buis for New Zealand currency, and then to the post office. I asked' the voung cmjiIIg LU.ban 1,rraucïsco as far as lier nou then iy latrnion what ei !r a rich Ionly on v one wi ,d, butI if hel of the Maori wars,.when gained control of the