several years as macurnest, stenograpner and clerk with various concerns. Ini 1896 hie began as stenographer for the Illinois Steel coinpanry (now the Carnegie-Illinois Steel corporation). Wn 1901 hie becamne branch manager at St. Louis of that .compainy'cernent depar-tment wbich, in 1906, becarne a subsdiary -of the. United States'Steel corporation, and >Mr. ,Af-, f leck became. general; sales manager. ln that position he déveloped an ouitstanding sales organization -and. in 1915 was »rsdent:' During* his service elected with the cernent com pany its business grew frorn 30,000 barrels to 30,000,000 barrels. Mr. Affleck was one of the, early inernbers of the Portland Cernent association, was largely instrumental i reorganizing it in 1916 along its present lines5 . joli wing.whch lie served as its president for five years. He was one of the first to realize the value of concrete for roacis and stréets and was arnong its first and most per-, sistent advocates. Much of the work of bis Company, of the Portland Cernent association and of the cement industry for good roads was due to his f aith and leadership and. by many he is considered the father of concrete roads. snowing remaricable gamis over a year ago," Mr., Thomson stated. "The 'Minnesota 400,' fast train, between Wyeville' Wis., and Mankato, Minn., via Rochester,, inaug urated June 14, as a. connection with 'The 400,'. bas caught on .ýinuediately and' is carrying .very satisfactory loads. "'Suburban passengers in and out of the Chicago ,station in June' increased 89,000 over a year ago while passenger receipts at the Chicago station showed Here is a chance for a .young mani to make a pleasant arnd permanent connection with an old and ,successful fini,. W.,A..Alexander & Companyoe fue let and Lest known insuranice houses in, Chicagohs an opening for an ambitious younùg man. We teach you and help you develop a good paying busi-ý ness of your own right liere with Us. Invest.igate.this opporiunity. a $64,000 increase over a year ago. July will bé even better. -The 'Flambeau' to the ýNorth Woods Col ou'us a# 135 S"ul Lasalle td. or phone. S. S.WIllUson c Franklin 7»0 iron, & SteelI nstitute, Western bociety of Engineers, Chicago Association of Commerce, Arnerican Road Builders association, United States Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Manufacturers Association, Art Institute, Field Museum, Chicago Engineers club (president in 1916), Union League club (president in 1928), and Chicago, Mid-day, Arts, Indian Hill, and New York Engineers clui)s. ~shipa road, hall, 13 We pledge you a double saifaction in a Chrysier or Plymouth fiow