Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1936, p. 22

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The Wading Pool at Vattman Park Team standings. (Round Il) Juiy 10: has been a busy place since its opening 4aULmn W. L. Pet. and -pride oxtte lague» TNAM this week. Fresb water is put iute the 'week.,Althe teains improved in their pitcner 1000 0 ...... 2 the Beyrer Electrlc holding gaine a beautiful pitched pool- twice a day.. playing, some more than others, as was Schaeffer's te six wéll sckattered hits O 1000 Eas Sdes........2 O 1000 A YMC.. ............. shown b the close, games that werc and received maignificent support .667 i W. W.1 reotors: M Ace hough'the . played. Tin can s;tiltraces were beld atVatt-. .500 1 Y.The T. D. ..... 1 bis teammates. froin A., C. Schaeffer Twenty-fivechii- tained their hold onfirst place by de- M.- C.'s. started with a rush scoring floodlumns . ... .000 2 0 -. mau Park .000 3 . .... O dren entéred the races,,and Loliypops. feating Locust, Parmfs, the score of 10 runs in the first inning. Huck, Willies . ... were- given the. winners of each class. 2 to 1 shows that the Motor boys had Johnson, and Steifens.bit home runs GIRLS LEAGUE Saliy: Ryan, Shirley Anderson a d a tough tiue with :the Farmers. fer the wininers. ;A beautiful double L.ocust Farms topok their second plaY, Huck te Jëhnson,. cut off the Fierice Jones and Collette Lundy were The North Shores heat the T. N. T's gaine froin the C. >0. F. B te 6. It was, Scbaeffer's 7th inning rally short. awarded loliypeps. in a wild game>38 te 37 te go into a during the, third inning that Raiph the W. W. L's won the longest tie-for fir.st place in the Girls' SotBorre started the fireworks by getting gaine bon Pmwsd.S.coea of the season frein the Willies bail League., followed was and an error, on on base The Villagers won an easy gaine The dol buggy parade was aiso a big 6 te 5 in ten innings. The W. W. L's success at Vattman. -A blue ribbon was by R. Miler wbo was, walked. Paul went. into an early léàd, when' they from the Comnmunity Center teant 38 PhÙil Bieser were out, 'then R. scored 3 runs on tbree bits in.a. row to loi given for first place, red for second and' and D. Lynch, W. Schinler, A. Huck, 1The New Triers won frein the Suand a ong fy bail in the 2ndl innn white for third., Largebuggy winuers. bits got Schwall Bud and Schinler were Lorretta Otinger, lst;. jean Fel- and sco'red, Schwall on Meier's hit, and added two more in the third wben burbans by forfeiture., The:. teain Ascbbacher bit a home run witb ai standings ô,f July 8 are as fellows: lers, 2nd; and Barbara McNeil, 3id.. was put out at second. teain mate on ýbase. The Willies TEA.M Small buggy winners were Alice Ken- but Meier W. L. pet. Steffens held the Village Cleaners scored oe u n each in the 3rd, 4tb. T. N . T's ..... *...... 3 1 .750 nedy, lst; Dorothy Mullally, 2nd. The N~orth Shores .. --3 1 75 pitcher Kliige, score.Ralp!, to 3 a 4 to in an d~ tied thescore ~and 6t-h ieuing were Roth Ray Iulyr elasus' iinne Center 2...2 .500 mni the seventh at 5 aIl. With two eut in Community New Triers Brewer, Lois Van, Zuylen andl Mary for the Cleaners scored'the 4tbJohn 2- 2 .500 in the last of the 7th inning on .500 -2 2 the 1th Paul Kaspar doubled and was Villagers Iouise Wood. Wagner's bit, to win the gaine. driven home when bis brother singled Suburbans . .. ...... o 4 .000 The Cleaners won a one-sided gameic te center. T1hursday of last week Vattmian Park from the C. 0. F., 10 te 0. The Beyrer Electrics won frein the Poloists Renew OId invited the cbldren frein the Village Hoodlums 13 te 9. The Bev'rer's went standings teain the an'd scores The Weenie ,Green te join them in their Rivalries Saturday ahead in the firat inning on a home, Roast. One hundred cbildren and par- for the week follows: Seeking to avenge their only derun by Berol. Pabiman bit a home 2 Motors Ace j4 9cust Farms 1 ents attended~ the roast. ýVattman Park B. Fbck 1R. Rusesell feat of the seasen, the 122nd Field mun in the third and Hill bit one in -treated everybody te Marsbmalews. Artillery poloists will renew hosthe fourth with twe on base to give the Beyrers a 9 to 1 lead. Sullivan of tilities with the Black Horse, Treep L in , w8 uiiv.c' Lii u -.Tuesday., . À*cvi - ci **%O, ncao boys class Il yea Borre and Betty winners. 15years. junior under. were the girl JEîleen O. F. O tnger Village Cleaners 10 S. Hawkison uger ,eder teider Inger gei reider W. Winiters R. Miller .W. E. Piiillps R. Schnieider F. Kaspar R. XIinge Rawkinson J. Kneip RsIs Of Pota*. Races The Beyrer Electrics won a onesided garne frein the W. WV. L's 16 te 2. 1The tearn standings and scores of the gaines are as follews:SW. W. L. 2 P. Kaspar F. Kaspar Beyrer. Electrie 16 D. Dingwall R. Welch Fifty boys anid girls entered the Holrst -show contest held at the Village Giec' luger eicer r Forced te bow, te the Troopers by a score of 13 te 12Y two weeks ago, the artillerymen suif ered their first setback in four tries. Tightening up their teain plays, Lieuts. Cliff Harrison, Art Ziminerinan and Carl, Johson are now preparing te even, UMPIRE Windie J. Wagner matters witb the Troop trio.t eftens 3 Village Cleaners 4 Tbree Bill favorites the indoor gaine, Lieuts. Kirby,ofDick Strauss and -o--. lt.Girls 1. Martba Leai ..... Vattinan 2.Dorothy Miller ..... .VattMafl Vattmnan 1Lucy Miller. lut. Boys .L Gêne Hasselbrg .... Vattmian Thé winners were as follows: . txa. Park 2 Jauor BoysI Park Stade..... .... Vattman Park Park 1 BillI Va»l Zuylen..Vattmian ParkI 2. Bill Park 3, Ç1arenc;ê Seiilgen -. Village Green 4t50 **kJ.**C.8S7S . ....... e e 2. ivan Iwater, UNMPIRE d ay for Wis., te be gon -e snimer. of thest lear- rest

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